Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How does Ethnomethodology differ from Symbolic Interactionism Essay

How does Ethnomethodology differ from Symbolic Interactionism - Essay Example The study starts with making sense of any object or activity. The Ethnomethodology has reflective and indexicality features in it. The response of the respondent is interpreted on the basis of his reflexive method. The ability to making sense out of any object or thing depends on the context of the object or thing too. The symbolic interaction explains the changing roles and role perception of an individual in the society. The symbolic interaction has three main things in it. The first is meaning, language and the last is thought. Individual tries to interpret the meaning through his thought process and works accordingly. Ethnomethodology tries to make sense out of things or activities. These study the underlying concepts and assumptions based on which that particular behaviour takes place. Both the studies have contributed in the development of a different thought flow and given food of thought to many researcher and academicians. The complex area of Sociology includes the questions of its beginning. Various societies tried to understand its society structures and social behaviours. In the past the drawbacks of studies or thoughts were analysing life with the help of magic and superstitions. These observations based on superstitions, magic and stars were inadequate. The subject required systematic research based on observations and research and development of theories to support the studies. In the middle of 19th century observers begin to use scientific theories and methods to test their ideas and support them scientifically. This started in Europe due to the Industrial Revolution and rapid change of the societal structure of Europe. It was a transition phase for European culture and society. Industrialisation, modernisation and urbanisation kind of phenomenon were taking place. The life, dependency of life on agriculture shifted. The strong structure of village and cities were getting replaced with Trade or ganisations and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gillette Essay Example for Free

Gillette Essay 1. Statement of issues/problems/opportunities (10%): Very briefly describe the organisation‟s situation. Be sure to focus on the underlying issues / problems / opportunities and not symptoms. Do not just reiterate organisational facts. 2. Recommendations (40%): What should the organisation do? Provide a detailed description of the actions necessary for the organisation to deal with the identified problems and opportunities. Be specific enough that a organisation could pick up your recommendations and act on them. 3. Justifications and analysis (50-60%): Provide a set of carefully considered arguments for why your recommendations are likely to be effective. Perform any type of analysis you like on facts obtained in developing your justifications. You can also draw on logic and experiences from materials in other sessions or courses. The bottom line, however, is you must be logical, convincing, and exhaustively thorough. Case Study One: Gillette Gillette stock price is falling from $64 in early 1999 to $24 in 2001. Market share for the profitable disposable razor sector declined about 5 percent while its competitor picked up. The sales declined three percent in 2000. The new CEO James Kilts joined Gillette in February 2001 and realized that the market share of this high profit margin brand is dropping while debt increasing. There are underutilized production capacity which can help the company to save $350 million; management looking at short-term success where they â€Å"stuff† products to distribution channels where the supply is higher than demand and caused aged stocks; to further reduce the relevant cost and solve â€Å"stuck stocks† – he is considering brand advertising and promotions – (something that Gillette seldom do to maintain leadership status). He felt that support for the brand globally got sidelined in the rush for short term results. Better forecast should be impleted to control the budget and costing better based on the market size and targeted market to penetrate. Lower down debt. Assignment questions: 1. To what extent does Gillette rely on incremental innovation or leaps in technology with each product introduction? Gillette may goes after innovation too heavily where the product is technical and sophisticated. Consumers may not understand the complexity and value the high technical functions of the product that sells at a very premium price – X% even more expensive than its preceeders. While it has ignored the value perceived of customers on shavers. The company should consider both factors – internally and externally for strategic marketing. Including political factors, economic factors (rising inflation), company financial situation, as part of the pricing strategy. 2. How successful has Gillette been with its trade-up pricing strategy and its ability to charge premium prices? Very successful. As the number of trade up is high.  However, cost of advertising to existing customers should be much lower than new customers. Priority advertising should be targeted to new market to increase market share, aside from maintaining brand position reinforce the brand in consumers. Message of advertisement is often simple and sharp. However, focus of the ads is very much on product with arg umentative wording, such as â€Å"the best†, â€Å"the only†. The brand may need to focus on brand advertisement for reinforcement purpose and stabilize the market share over the long run. 3. Should Gillette be concerned about the possible cannibalisation of the healthy sales of existing products by each new product launched? Yes. New products should target different market but should not cannibalise existing sales in long run. Different target market, e.g. more premium group where they are early adopters and enjoy premium brands As the company still sells old versions of shavers, it has even more reasons to target different products to different arget group to increase market share. 4. How global and integrated is Gillette‟s global marketing communications? Localised message should be applied to synergy better with other countries as different countries have different cultural background, norms and etc Gillette has a broad coverage strategy in place today and its â€Å"The best a man can get† theme supports this broad coverage strategy. It serves consumers ranging from disposables to high end cartridge systems. Gillette has struggled in the past when it has made attempts to add complementary goods to its offerings. Past attempts at this strategy were subsequently divested. We propose an alternative for phase 3 of the strategy. Rather than adding products that might not carry the value of a strong brand and image we propose that Gillette focus on areas of the world where they don’t have strong market share. Japan is an area specifically mentioned in the case. It is mentioned that Shick has a first mover advantage in Japan. Gillette has a very strong share of the market in the North Atlantic area. It has invested heavily in RD and is getting ready to invest more in advertising and adding plant capacity. Gillette should work to maintain its advantage in the North Atlantic through patent enforcement, new product innovation, and building on customers perceived benefits through advertising and delivery of superior products. Solidifying its leadership position in the North Atlantic, Gillette can then focus on other areas of the world. Rather than allowing Shick to imitate its new Sensor, Gillette can aggressively go after market share in other areas of the world. The marketing campaign will be critical to capturing market share in other areas of the world. Gillette has the opportunity for a first mover play in Japan with Sensor. Marketing campaigns should be tailored to position Gillette uniquely in different parts of the world market. Rather than going for a consistency approach, Gillette should customize the marketing campaigns to either strengthen its leadership position or establish itself as an innovator. The consistency approach to the marketing campaign as outlined in the case does not support this direction. Gillette might even consider launching Sensor in Japan or other parts of the world, followed quickly by a North Atlantic launch. A marketing campaign in Japan promoting first mover status with new technology could help capture increased market share. Gillette has made investments in developing the Sensor system. It now needs to ensure it is capturing appropriate levels of value based on what it can build in the way of perceived benefits to consumers through advertising and superior product. Building this benefit advantage in new and existing markets will allow Gillette to price at a point where it can capture more economic profit than it does today. The investment in plant, equipment, and inventory is a bet that needs to be made for this new product. It will be important for Gillette to be able to deliver enough product to the market and let its competition know that it is dedicated to this production and to protecting its patents. 5. Assess Gillettte‟s approach to women‟s shaving needs? Very manly design as the female designs looks very similar to the male wet shavers. Focuses on technical heavily where it may ignores the demand of consumers – females are different from males during purchase decision and process. Company should penetrate female market, new and large market for the company to yield further profit from the same technology. Focus should be on female buying process and demand, e.g. color, demand, preference, etc. in order to maintain the position of leader in wet shaver market. Both male and female markets can be equally important. However, the company can leverage on the brand equity and value of its success on male wet shaver and hence reduce the cost of advertising – advantage over other products. Penetration of female market should be easier, fast, to enjoy economies of scale at high profit margin ahead of other competitors. Should enhance on product packaging. Overall value to targeted consumers. Psychographic segmentation is concerned with identifying personality traits and distinguishing characteristics in groups of the population. Examples are young and outgoing (for the sale of new forms of music) or grey and conservative (for classical and 60s music). Pyschographic segmentation is clearly relevant to shaving patterns and behaviours. For example, busy well groomed people are likely to go for an upmarket shaving system. In order to fully penetrate market, older versions of the wet shavers – on promotions. To capture middle market and mass market. At an affordable price. Commodity and mass market products. Should achieve both cost advantage differentiation. Didn’t achieve cost advantage because there is underutilized production which may save $350 million According to the product lifecycle, it should allow higher quality at lower price Unit operation cost should go down during growth stage The case points out that Gillette’s competitors were quick to copy new products. Trac II was copied by the competition within five months and other product imitations appeared in 18 and seven months. Historically Gillette did not pursue patent enforcement because of antitrust challenges. This tactic needs to be re-thought. The RD spend needs to be protected to help Gillette retain its competitive advantage and its position as a technology leader. Gillette aggressively patented ideas during the Sensor development. Twenty-two different patents were applied for and obtained by end of 1988. Gillette has access to the patents as an isolating mechanism for building competitive advantage in the market. To protect the investment Gillette has made in the development of the Sensor system, it must leverage the isolating mechanism of the patents. By not pursuing the patents, Gillette maintains market share but does not increase market share. It is allowing consumers of the competitions’ products to stay with that brand versus switching to Gillette’s products. Why would they switch if their brand will be coming with an imitation soon? Image, reputation, and credibility all are important to protecting the superior benefits of an experience good. By not protecting the patents, Gillette is not building the consumer view that it is providing superior products. Protecting the patents will also allow Gillette to further immobilize the resource it has in technology. The equipment and plants are certainly not very mobile, but the people that developed the ideas and technology are very mobile. The patents may offer an advertising or marketing advantage; the 22 patents help Gillette illustrate the innovations they have achieved with Sensor. Though being at the top, Gillette now deals with the problem of product innovation in a somewhat stagnant and mature shaving market and needs to find other ways to remain on top. The possible solutions relate to acquiring its competitors’ business, developing and expanding the women’s market and further reducing the prices to reach more customers.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Sorrow of War Essay -- Literary Analysis, Bao Ninh

It can be hard to fully comprehend the effects the Vietnam War had on not just the veterans, but the nation as a whole. The violent battles and acts of war became all too common during the long years of the conflict. The war warped the soldiers and civilians characters and desensitized their mentalities to the cruelty seen on the battlefield. Bao Ninh and Tim O’Brien, both veterans of the war, narrate their experiences of the war and use the loss of love as a metaphor for the detrimental effects of the years of fighting. Bao Ninh’s novel The Sorrow of War tells a very realistic and explicit story of Kien, a North Vietnamese soldier and writer, during the Vietnam War. Kien manages to survive, usually by luck, through battles and situations in which survival seems futile. When Kien’s entire platoon is killed in battle, he is one of the few to survive. This seems to be a blessing and a curse as Kien had â€Å"perhaps watched more killings and seen more corpses than any other contemporary writer† (Ninh, 89). As one can imagine, Kien is haunted daily by gruesome hallucinations and memories from the battlefield. Kien begins to write about his war experiences, which turns into an obsession. He claims it is obligated as his duty to write about the war, and yet â€Å"seems to write only to rid himself of his devils† (Ninh, 49). His motivation is to â€Å"expose the realities of war and the tear aside conventional images† (Ninh, 50). It is not just Kien whose life is destroyed by the war. Kien tells of a driver Vuong who, before the war, drank very little and was kind a timid. Vuong disappears for many months and when he returns his life has collapsed. â€Å"I’ve given up driving, fellas. Now alcohol drives me,† Voung states (Ninh, 152). Kien tou... ...hard times together and we reunited multiple times. Cross and Martha, however, were distant apart for the duration of the war. Cross’s deep love for Martha stemmed from his obsessive longing to be with her and to be loved back by her. Cross eventually concedes that Martha belongs to another world and would never love him (Obrien, 17). The two novels use love as a strong metaphor for the losses of war. Ninh often explicitly states that both Kien and every other solider would be forever warped due to the senseless cruelties witness in the long conflict. Kien’s deep love for Phuong is destroyed by the war, as is Lieutenant Cross’s love for Martha. This paralleled metaphor speaks for both sides of the war and the suffering endured by all involved. The tragic loss of love and innocence illustrates the destruction the Vietnam War had on both veterans and society.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Musical World of Aaron Copland Essay -- Biography Music

Aaron Copland was born on November 14th, 1900 in Brooklyn, New York, United States (3). His parents, Harris Morris Copland and Sarah Mittenthal Copland, were Jewish immigrants from Russia (6). Copland had four older siblings who grew up together. When he was eleven years old, one of his sisters, Laurine, taught him how to play a piano (3). Laurine also influenced to his musical world by introducing him to ragtime and opera (6). From 1913 to 1917, he took his first formal piano lessons from Leopold Wolfsohn (3, 6). Wolfsohn introduced him to the pieces of the great musicians such as Beethoven and Mozart. When he was fifteen, he attended a concert by composer Ignacy Paderewski. The dream of becoming a composer sprouted inside him after attending the concert (3). While he is attending Boys’ High School in 1917, he began to study composition and music theory through taking corresponding courses taught by Rubin Goldmark (2). Rubin Goldmark was a very conservative American composer, who discouraged modern music. After his graduation from Boy’s High School in 1918, he chose to study composition with Goldmark instead of attending to a university (6). He also received piano lessons from Victor Wittgenstein and Clarence Alder. He was exposed to various genres of music by attending to operas and concerts. The Cat and the Mouse (1920) was his first published composition that was not shown to Goldmark. The Cat and the Mouse is a literal composition which fast tempo depicts the mouse while slow tempo depicts the cat (1). In 1921, he wrote the Piano Sonata for Goldmark (6) Copland did not like the conservative musical world of United States (1). After he completed the Piano Sonata, he left United States and continued his studying in American...>. Web. 3. Copland, Aaron, and Vivian, Perlis. Copland: 1900 through 1942. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. Print. 4. Copland, Aaron, and Vivian, Perlis. Copland: Since 1943. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. Print. 5. Griffiths, Paul. "Copland, Aaron." The Oxford Companion to Music. Ed. Alison Latham. Oxford Music Online. 16 Jan. 2011 . Web. 6. Howard Pollack. "Copland, Aaron." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. 16 Jan. 2011 . Web. 7. Pollack, Howard. Aaron Copland: The Life and Work of an Uncommon Man. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1999. Print. 8. Kamien, Roger. Music: An Appreciation. New York: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2010. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Make a Turkey Sandwich

Anyone can make a turkey sandwich and, truth be told, anyone could make The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever. Really, the only thing standing in anyone's way is that they probably don't yet know how. This is where this guide comes in. I will try to provide thorough instructions for making The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever.I discovered The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever by accident one night while living in New York City. For you see, I was unemployed at the time and didn't have too much money to throw around on food. As fate would have it, on that night, much like on a myriad of countless other nights that had preceded it (and subsequently on many nights thereafter), I happened to be very hungry. In a sad, strung-out, state of desperation, I languidly scavenged my apartment for something to hold me over until breakfast. I found some deli meat, cheese and half a loaf of unwanted challah bread that my sister gave to me last time I bothered to go uptown to visit her. Confronted with such limited suppli es, the solution seemed rather obvious; cobble these culinary elements together and make a sandwich. Although, looking back upon it, I can only attribute this particular chance arrangement of sandwich materials to the benevolent hand of some archaic pantheon of gods; perhaps viking. I like vikings.Anyhow, I crafted the sandwich to my preference and took a bite. By some happy accident of the cosmos, I, in my pathetic desperation not to scrounge together some pocket change and walk a block and a half for a slice of sicilian pizza, had chanced upon The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever.I've kept this to myself for too long. For the greater good of humanity, I am going to share my process with you today. If you follow these directions carefully, you too can live the rich prosperous life that can only come with The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

9 Things I Learned From Rewriting My First Childrens Books Series

9 Things I Learned From Rewriting My First Childrens Books Series 9 Things I Learned From Rewriting My First Children's Book Series As a primary school teacher, Heather B. Moon always knew she eventually wanted to write books for children. She also felt that she had a leg up in terms of knowing her market. In this article, she discusses what she learned from rewriting her first series of children's books with the help of a professional developmental editor.   Lessons learned? You can see how I made changes that addressed the problems that we talked about earlier:Introducing secondary characters: I brought other characters into the story in a more entertaining way. But more importantly, I have introduced them through Lottie’s eyes! She is still the main focus of the story, and the people around her have been woven into the action instead of taking the main stage.Show, don’t tell: I must admit it took me a while to get the hang of this - but once I did, my brain fizzed and frothed with ideas. See what I did there? Don’t say: â€Å"I thought of an idea† - that is boring adult speech. If your character is feeling frightened, write something like: â€Å"I felt a giant chunk of ice plop into my tummy.† This is much more appealing to a child and gets the feeling across that the character is scared.Make current, relatable references: Kids might not know what a DVD is - but I’ll bet they can all identify with hoping for WiFi to continue their interrupted iPad games!The young readers I have shared Lottie’s story with have responded well - and a lot of it is thanks to the changes that Rachel and I made to my dialogue and prose. 9 tips for writing books that children will want to read again and again. That’s the best tip I have for other writers looking to publish children’s books: understand how your little readers see the world and talk to them on their level. It might not be as easy as 1-2-3, but with supportive people in your corner, you’ll be on your way to sparking the imaginations of a new generation of readers.Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Heather B. Moon  in the comments below!Lottie Saves the Dolphins is available on Amazon and on Amazon Kindle!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Janies Voice -Their Eyes Were Watching God

Janies Voice -Their Eyes Were Watching God Free Online Research Papers Janie’s dream has always been to travel to the horizon. For her, the horizon is a never-ending journey, her eternal quest for happiness. As her psyche and personality grow due to the hardships she has endured, her voice also develops. In a way, her voice also reflects her own independence. The story is mainly broken up into three parts of her development. These three parts chronicle her change from childhood and her childish misconception of a true love until her eventual peace and self-understanding. The beginning of her development is her first marriage to Logan Killicks, and her eventual desertion of him to what she thinks of as a better life. During the exposition, we see her being used by her grandmother as another chance at raising a child. After the rape of Janie’s mother, Nanny had to have another chance to raise a child correctly. This is where Janie’s search for independence started. As a child, she knew nothing other than to do what her grandmother told her, as she had no idea of independence, and the thought never crossed her mind that Nanny did not know what was best for her. This continued in her marriage with Logan Killicks. When their relationship starts Janie thinks that she has found the kind of life she has always wanted. Her childish mind thought that marriage meant love, and that Logan would take good care of her. But soon Logan reveals his expectations of her, and that he wants her to be basically an unpaid worker. This is the first time when we see Janie’s independence flare. She does not want this kind of life for herself, and she immediately looks for a way out. The first opportunity that comes is a man called Joe Starks that seems like a good match for Janie. He promises her love and a comfortable life. She did not want to be married to a man who wanted her to â€Å"grab that ax and sling chips lak uh man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. help me move this pile of manure† page 26. As soon as she contemplates this, she decides that her life with Logan would be a melancholy and downtrodden experience. This is the first time that she voices her opinions and develops a little bit of that personality that pervades through the story. She talks back to Logan, suggesting, â€Å"S’posin’ Ah waz to run off and leave yuh sometime† page 30. â€Å" Mah mamma didn’t tell me Ah wuz born in no hurry. So whut business Ah got rushin’ now? Anyhow dat ain’t whut youse mad about. You ain’t done me no favor by marrying me† page 31. She leaves that day for Joe. The second part is her marriage to the ambitious entrepreneur, Joe. She is one of the most beautiful women that Joe has ever met, and he recognizes that. But instead of the love that Janie wants, he treats her like as a possession, a thing that he can show off and parade about. Nobody ever asks Janie what she wants. They all assume they know what’s best for her, and what she wants is what they want. So, Janie is always yearning for something. This strengthens her, and her voice and way of talking reflects that. She learns patience throughout her years with Joe. â€Å"She had learned how to talk some and leave some.† She learns that some things are better left alone, and might change with time. But she finally realizes some things, no matter how she wants them to change, will not change unless she makes them. She also realizes it is all right to talk back is she is being abused or being antagonized. â€Å"Naw, Ah ain’t no young gal no mo’ but Ah ainâ€℠¢t no old woman neither. Ah recon Ah looks mah age too. But Ah’m uh woman every inch of me, and Ah know it. Dat’s uh whole lot more’n you kin say.† page 79. After years of abuse and duress under Joe, she finally breaks and realizes that sometimes harsh things need to be said to achieve what is right. The last part of Janie’s development comes after Joe dies. Janie is rich and carefree. Tea Cake Woods is a tall enigmatic stranger that comes and transforms Janie’s life. He, unlike the others, recognizes a class in Janie that the others did not see present. He, unlike the others, has nothing to offer her but his love and promise to stay with her and take care of her. It is enough for Janie. Tea Cake opens a new door, where she does not need to be anything but herself. In this marriage, Janie finds the love she sought in other relationships. Tea Cake is a man who respects Janie as an intelligent, exciting companion. By the end of her time with Tea Cake, Janie has become a woman who has experienced much and suffered much. Her words now hold power and influence. Pheoby says after listening to Janie’s story, â€Å"Lawd!. Ah done growed ten feet higher jus’ listenin’ tuh you, Janie. Ah ain’t satisfied wid mahself no mo’ † page 192. Janie is a character that has always been used by everyone around her for their own ends. Throughout her life, her voice changes with her personalities and her added wisdom. She is completely defined by her actions, and her voice reflects that. Research Papers on Janie's Voice -Their Eyes Were Watching GodMind TravelComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Fifth HorsemanQuebec and CanadaTrailblazing by Eric AndersonBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is Art

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Example

Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Example Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Throughout this essay. I will be discoursing the passage of adolescence. This passage is a phase of development between childhood and maturity. from approximately 12 to 20 old ages of age. This passage from childhood to maturity is smooth for some but unsmooth for others ( Caspi. 2000 ) . This essay will discourse predictable and non-predictable elements of the passage. Health in adolescence issues this involves drugs A ; alcohol maltreatment and sexually familial infections ( STIs ) are classified as unpredictable elements. Physical Development ( organic structure growing and physical alterations during adolescence ) or Puberty and Cognitive Development are classified as a predictable component during the passage. It will besides research the impact on relationships and constructs of ego for individuals set abouting the passage. Furthermore. it will consider the parts of modern-day and seminal writers to depict the differences between the two yesteryear and nowadayss authors/researcher’s theories in apprehension of the adolescence life passages. Another factor that will be discussed is the construct of ego during the passage. and so eventually it will comprehensively explicate the importance for nurses to understand the adolescence passage. : A. The importance of predictable and unpredictable elements in Adolescence passages will help in placing the important alterations in every life event passage. Furthermore. it will besides profit in back uping stripling to run into ambitious alterations throughout the passage. The first predictable component is puberty the biological passage of adolescence. the most noticeable mark of being an stripling. Theoretically. pubescence refers as a corporate term to mention to all the physical alterations that occur in the turning miss or male child as the single base on ballss from childhood into maturity ( Habermas A ; Bluck. 2000 ) . In boys a major alteration is the increased production of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while girls experience increased production of the female endocrine oestrogen ( Dedovic. Wadiwalla. Engert. A ; Pruessner. 2009 ) . In boys a major alteration is the increased production of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while girls experience increased production of the female endocrine oestrogen ( Carpentier A ; Fortenberry. 2010 ) . Internally. through the development of chief sexual features. striplings become capable of sexual reproduction. Externally. as secondary sexual features appear. misss and male childs begin to look like mature adult females and work forces. In boys primary and secondary sexual features normally emerge in a predictable order. with the rapid growing of the testicles and scrotum. accompanied by the visual aspect of pubic hair. In ulterior old ages. it will get down the growing of facial and body hair. and a gradual lowering of the voice. Around mid-adolescence internal alterations begin doing a male child capable of bring forthing and blurt outing sperm. In misss. sexual features develop in a less regular sequence. Normally. the first mark of pubescence is a little lift of the chests. but sometimes this is preceded by the visual aspect of pubic hair. In adolescent misss. internal sexual alterations include ripening of the womb. vagina. and other parts of the generative system. Menarche ( Cochrane. 1993 ) . Regular ovulation and the ability to transport a babe to full term normally follow menarche by several old ages. The 2nd predictable component is Cognitive Development passage a 2nd component of the transition through adolescence is a cognitive passage ( Champion A ; Collins. 2010 ) . Compared to kids. striplings think in ways that are more advanced. more efficient. and by and large more complex. Adolescence persons become better able than kids to believe about what is possible. alternatively of restricting their idea to what is existent. Whereas children’s thought is oriented to the here and now- that is. to things and events that they can detect straight. striplings are able to see what they observe against a background of what is possible- they can believe hypothetically. Second. during the transition into adolescence. persons become better able to believe about abstract thoughts. This is clearly seen in the adolescent’s increased installation and involvement in believing about interpersonal relationships. political relations. doctrine. faith. and morality- topics that involve such abstract constructs as friendly relationship. religion. democracy. equity. and honestness. Third. during adolescence persons begins believing more frequently about the procedure of believing itself. or metacognition. As a consequence. striplings may expose increased self-contemplation and uneasiness. Although betterments in metacognitive abilities provide of import rational advantages. one potentially negative by merchandise of these progresss is the inclination for striplings to develop a kind of egoism. or intense preoccupation with the ego. Acute adolescent egoism sometimes leads adolescents to believe that others are invariably watching and measuring them. much as an audience glues its attending to an histrion on a phase. Whereas kids tend to believe about things one facet at a clip. striplings can see things through more complicated lenses. Adolescents describe themselves and others in more differentiated and complicated footings and happen it easier to look at jobs from multiple positions. The unpredictable elements are wellness related issues in adolescence are alcohol and other drug usage. Experiment with psychotropic substance is widespread during adolescence. Psychoactive substances are of course happening or unreal stuffs that act on the nervous system. changing perceptual experiences. tempers and behavior. They range from of course happening substances. such as intoxicant. which is produced from the agitation of works sugars by barm. to designer drugs such as ecstasy. Most teenager experiment with different substances. representing substance usage and in some individual’s experimentation escalates into accustomed or perennial usage known as substance maltreatment. They besides engaged in â€Å"binge drinking† which originating in recent old ages. Binge imbibing is defined as the back-to-back consumption of five or more standard drinks in less than two hours. Other factors of unpredictable wellness issues is sexually familial infections. adolescent sexual behavior may enforce a important wellness hazard to adolescents through a scope of sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) . Sexually familial infections are bacterial and viral infections that enter the organic structure via the mucose membranes of the oral cavity and the sex organs following physical contact. Sexually transmitted infection includes pox. gonorrhea. venereal lice. itchs. chlamydia. herpes. venereal warts. hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. The ground for the high rates of STIs in striplings is that this age group is more prone to sexual experimentation and hazardous sexual behaviors than other age groups. Hazardous sexual behavior includes unprotected sexual activity without utilizing barriers such as rubbers. sexual activity affecting multiple spouses and sexual activity affecting spouses whose sexual is unknown. B. The impact on relationships and constructs of ego for individuals set abouting the passage is established by a personal individuality a cardinal undertaking of adolescence is successful declaration of Erikson’s psychosocial crisis of individuality versus function confusion. Identify formation involves selectively incorporating some facets of earlier childhood individuality and flinging others. Successful declaration of the individuality crisis of adolescence depends on the chances to experiment with different societal functions and activities. Individual differences place accomplishment are due to civilization. gender functions. equal influences. rearing manners and life fortunes experienced by striplings. which may increase or diminish chances for geographic expedition. Self-concept is based on more abstract beliefs and values than the concrete and comparative thoughts of ego during childhood. Increased of perspective-taking ability may uncover ‘true’ and ‘false’ egos in relation to interactions with different people. but this can reflect positive experimentation with different functions that contribute to self-concept. Self-esteem lessenings significantly between child self-concept and mid- adolescence. and more dramatically for misss than for male childs. The sex differences is likely anchored to sex-role differences. greater organic structure image dissatisfaction in misss than in male childs. and the differential encouragement to dignity that romantic relationships bring to adolescent male childs and misss. Parent –child relationships become less asymmetrical term s of the balance of power during adolescence compared with childhood. as a consequence of adolescent’s push for liberty. There are broad single differences in the grade of liberty achieved by striplings. depending on rearing manners and cultural and gender based norms and attitude. During adolesce. close same-sex coteries and larger. looser mergers of several coteries called crow. Cliques and crowds provide the background for new cross-sex interaction. including romantic relationships. Peer group conformance within coteries seeks out different sorts of advice and support from both parents and equals. Nonetheless. for minority uneffective parenting and influenced with a incorrect crowd will see a condemnable calling. worsen the preexistent interpersonal troubles that predispose stripling to force and being a pack members in the society. Bullying is besides common in the society particularly teens in primary and high school. it can impact the psychosocial development of a individual. Positive peer relationships include same-sex friendly relationships that are high in familiarity and common support are both indispensable in bridging to a successful romantic relationships which may besides get down during adolescence. During adolescence. most persons experience their first sexual intercourse. The age when this occurs is going earlier. depending on gender. cultural restraints and equal influences. Sexual minority position –lesbians. homosexual or bisexual may present extra challenges to place formation and sexual ripening during adolescence. C. The part of past and present writers and researcher’s in understanding towards the adolescent life passages has huge alterations in clip. Harmonizing to Kohlberg’s theory ( Benenson. Tennyson. A ; Wrangham. 2011 ) extended Piaget’s work on moral development during the 1960’s utilizations male protagonist merely as an illustrations of his theories which contradicts Carol Gilligan’s writer of her popular book. â€Å"In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development† ( 1982 ) . suggested that Kohlberg’s theories were biased against adult females. as lone males were used in his surveies. By listening to women’s experiences. Gilligan offered that a morality of attention can function in the topographic point of the morality of justness and rights espoused by Kohlberg. In her position. the morality of lovingness and duty is premised in passive resistance. while the morality of justness and rights is based on equality. ( Gilligan. 1982 ) . DecisionAs we discussed the chief points of being adolescence it embodies the importance. relevancy and impact of a peculiar life event passage. Adolescence is a distinguishable phase that marks the passage between childhood and maturity. Adolescents are capable of abstract concluding. Although you may still include the household in instruction. striplings themselves are a major focal point of learning since they have considerable independency and are. accordingly. in more control of the grade to which recommendations will be carried out. Adolescents have many of import developmental undertakings to accomplish. They are in the procedure of organizing their ain individuality. dividing themselves from parents. and accommodating to quickly altering organic structures. Bodily alterations at pubescence may do a strong involvement in bodily maps and visual aspect. Sexual accommodation and a strong desire to show sexual impulses become of import. Adolescents may hold trouble conceive ofing that they can go ill or injured. This may lend to accidents due to put on the line taking or hapless conformity in following medical recommendations. Because striplings have a strong natural preoccupation with visual aspect and have a high demand for peer support and credence. wellness recommendations that they view as interfering with their construct of themselves as independent existences may be less likely to be followed. Therefore. as sexual accommodation and strong sexual impulses characterize this age. the nurse may make important learning about sex instruction and contraceptive method. In add-on to learning striplings about why and how their organic structures are altering. the nurse is besides in a good place to chase away misconceptions immature patients may hold about sexual development or sexual behavior. Teaching striplings about gender requires a particular sensitiveness and apprehension. Respect for the patient’s modestness. privateness. and sentiments are critical to set uping an ambiance of openness and trust. In add-on to sex instruction. other of import patient learning countries are alcohol and drug maltreatment and general wellness steps. such as the importance of good nutrition and exercising as the footing for life-long wellness. Regardless of the subject. wellness instruction for striplings is more effectual when the nurse establishes trust by esteeming the adolescent’s needs. shows empathic apprehension. and replies inquiries candidly. Patient learning for striplings should take the signifier of counsel instead than talking. Nurses who gain credibleness with an adolescent patient set up themselves as the teen-ager’s advocator instead than representatives of the parents. The nurse may increase wellness learning effectivity by including the household. The nurse can give counsel and support to household members that can assist them understand and esteem adolescent behavior. Parents should be encouraged to put realistic bounds for striplings while still leting them to go progressively responsible for their ain wellness attention direction.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Unit II Solid Waste Impact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit II Solid Waste Impact - Essay Example Solid materials such as home appliances will be collected and set aside from recycling (U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2014). The municipal council’s landfill needs to be located in an area with less human and industrial activity. A confined area near the edge of the national park is the best option for establishing the landfill. This is because there is less human activity in that area, and so there will be less air pollution. The area will be fenced off from wild animals that may wander into the landfill and feed on the waste materials and far away from a water source (National Park Service, 2014). During my survey I learnt that during the weekdays very few people visit the national park. The number increases on the weekends when people are resting. The municipal council decided that the landfill will operate only on weekdays when there is less human activity around the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Law for Business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law for Business - Case Study Example Finally in respect of creditors of the company the court held the no duty was owed to them. The approach had been criticized by many and had been thought to be unjustified as it was thought that reliance would be placed on the accounts of the company which is indeed due to the auditors’ manuals and other material. However, in favour of the decision a few other points for such a decision are the floodgates argument; the lack of proximity between an auditor and an investor also leads to the conclusion that no claim lies against the auditors; and the placing of undue burden on the auditors and therefore duty is only limited to the company.. (Deakin et al 2008) Another important aspect that was considered in the decision of Caparo for accountants liability as well the standard duty of care requirement was the fact that the three tier test was required to be satisfied so as establish a duty of care. This test was a reformed test for negligence.The first requirement for the establis hment of duty of care was that it must be reasonably foreseeable that the conduct of defendant would cause damage to the claimant. Secondly, there must be sufficient proximity between the parties and finally ‘the situation must be one in which the court considers it fair, just and reasonable the law should impose a duty of care of a given scope on the one party for the benefir of the other’. (Elliott et al 2007) Another important aspect that had been considered by the House of Lords have held in La Banque Financiere de la Cite v Westgate Insurance Co Ltd was that if there had been an omission to speak it would not lead to construing of liability. A further important authority in respect of negligent misstatement is that of Hedley Byrne v. Heller2 wherein it was construed by the courts that there was no negligent misstatement on the basis that the facts portrayed that there had been disclaimer within the remarks that is the use of the term without responsibility which le d to the possibility of a duty of care to be extinguished. There had been a controversial decision of Royal Bank of Scotland plc v Bannerman Johnstone Maclay, wherein the absence of the disclaimer of liability was considered to be pivotal so as to establish a duty of care and holding the auditors liable. The facts of the case were that BJM were auditors of APC Ltd and RBS was the principal lender of APC Ltd and due to such lending RBS had an equity interest in APC. One of the requirement of RBS in their facility letters was the provision of audited financial statements by APC to RBS within six months of the end of financial year. Such copies were provided to RBS so as to assist them for lending decision. Subsequently RBS bought an action against BJM for the losses that were suffered by RBS as a result of reliance on such audit accounts which had inaccuracies. There was an application made by BJM to strike out the claim as there was no duty of care owed to RBS. It was decided by the court as a preliminary issues that what had been pleaded by RBS was sufficient to lead to a duty of care. Thus it was found that even though there was no direct contact between the parties BJM could have disclaimed liability when it came to know that RBS would be seeing the audited accounts for lending decisions. Thus the important reason was the absence of th

The Business Opportunity of XYZ in the UK and Chinese Automobile Essay

The Business Opportunity of XYZ in the UK and Chinese Automobile Sectors - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in relation to the present rapid growth of the United Kingdom and Chinese automobile industries, XYZ is considerably recognized as one of the major companies in terms of producing middle and upper-class vehicles. The organization is considerably playing a crucial role in the UK and China automobile markets in terms of serving vehicles for the middle class and upper-class consumers. The customers in both the UK and Chinese markets desire for quality based world class stylish vehicles. The developed economy of the UK along with increasing population and demand of vehicles can increase the probability of success for the business to a considerable extent. In the similar context, the economic condition of China is further considered to be more stable among the developing nations of the world. Moreover, the business environments of both the markets are considered feasible and appropriate for XYZ to practice its business operations. Therefore , the report intends to significantly analyze the UK and China markets for XYZ automotive company through evaluating the relevant theories and evidence in the market. Moreover, the discussion will also focus on enclosing the automobile market scenario of the UK and China along with different issues concerning national institutional systems and cultural conditions of the nations. In addition, the assessment will further consider trends of trade and investment and consider measures to efficiently deal with possible issues during the investment portfolio that are required to effectively conduct XYZ’s operations in the UK and Chinese automobile markets. Analysis of National and Institutional Systems and Culture Conditions The international business approach encompasses conducting trading activities beyond the national boundaries. The term international business can be defined as the process practiced by an organization while functioning in more than one nation from a single count ry. In contrast, international business further considers expanding business operating units in different regions in order to smoothly conduct business practices. From the perspective of modern international business, it can be recognized that the global organizations are significantly facing different challenges and opportunities with regard to their successful expansion. With this concern, the national and institutional systems regarding trade policies are one of the major prohibitory aspects which can be recognized in the global countries. Therefore, an effective and adequate analysis of the countries can facilitate to obtain suitable solutions for the organizations in terms of conducting business practices in a foreign market.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reading Responses 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Responses 3 - Essay Example As the story proceeds, Leo reads Harry’s personal letters which greatly angers harry and he threatens to kill his father. Harry goes to the beach and does not intend to return back home even when his father pleads to him. The story ends when his father runs after his hat and Harry stands motionlessly with his feet in the water. The readers are able to understand the position of both father and son as both of them take turns in narrating the story. The School: The story is set in a classroom which has witnessed a lot of deaths in the course of the year. Plants, pets, and even children from the classroom had died and the story shows the dialogue between the students and their instructor. The language used in the story is very simple and conversational which readily grasps the readers’ interest and attention. The narrator of the story is the teacher, through whose conversation the readers come to know about the deaths linked to that classroom. By the end of the story, the teacher is asked different questions regarding the reality of death and life which he is unable to answer properly. I believe that the story is more than just a narration. It tells about the cycle of life and the bitter reality that everything that dies is replaced and the cycle continues.

Quiz Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Quiz - Coursework Example In simple terms bourgeois refers to the rich, the ruling class and those who owns the means of production. On the other hand, proletariat is the working class in the society. The two classes are created by the forces of capitalism and the working class are left being exploited by the rich people (Vattimo & Zabala, 2011). In simple terms, it refers to the â€Å"ethics of care vis-à  -vis the ethics of rights† (Mappes, 1994). Expounded, this refers to a situation whereby women are praised and are at the same time confronted for what they do. It also refers to situations where women are tangled in two opposing ethics, which involves care on one end and rights on the other end.   A woman, according to Mappes, is mostly confronted by a situation that she cannot handle or she is faced with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action. Eventually, such demands usually lead to serious problems (Mappes, 1994). According to Mappes, care acts as the basis of the other ethics related to rights. When women are subjected to such situations Mappes argues that they are led to moral madness. The traditional role of women, according to Mappes utilize the ethics of care. in this case, women are required to take care of the needs of others. The are also endowed with the duty of maintaining relationships. This simply means that the traditional role that women should play is that of care-giving. Mappes argues that this traditional role is not good as it associates women with low status and assumes that they are not supposed to use the public space (Mappes, 1994). Communism refers to the principles of economic fairness through the elimination of private property. Communism’s main role is to come up with social order since social classes and other things such as the state and money are not present. In communism, the community is entrusted with the ownership of resources and not individuals as it is the case with capitalism

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reading Responses 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Responses 3 - Essay Example As the story proceeds, Leo reads Harry’s personal letters which greatly angers harry and he threatens to kill his father. Harry goes to the beach and does not intend to return back home even when his father pleads to him. The story ends when his father runs after his hat and Harry stands motionlessly with his feet in the water. The readers are able to understand the position of both father and son as both of them take turns in narrating the story. The School: The story is set in a classroom which has witnessed a lot of deaths in the course of the year. Plants, pets, and even children from the classroom had died and the story shows the dialogue between the students and their instructor. The language used in the story is very simple and conversational which readily grasps the readers’ interest and attention. The narrator of the story is the teacher, through whose conversation the readers come to know about the deaths linked to that classroom. By the end of the story, the teacher is asked different questions regarding the reality of death and life which he is unable to answer properly. I believe that the story is more than just a narration. It tells about the cycle of life and the bitter reality that everything that dies is replaced and the cycle continues.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Behaviorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Behaviorism - Essay Example Principles of behaviorism should be part of every elementary classroom (Monchinski, 2008). Although not all activities or ideas are behaviorist in nature, it will help to incorporate behaviorism in some parts of the lesson. The reason behind this is that students in grade school are not yet mature and they need guidance in order to learn proper behavior and skills. Activating prior knowledge, providing models for activities, and giving rewards are some ways to incorporate behaviorism in the given lesson. Incorporating behaviorism into the lesson plan serves the teacher in three ways. First, by activating prior knowledge, the teacher will have the chance to check students’ understanding of the previous lesson. Likewise, by doing such, the students will feel the need to review past lessons, thus reinforcing good study habits among students. They will be inclined to think that past lessons should not be taken for granted; thus taking down notes, reviewing them, and even memorizi ng will help them get a better grade. Moreover, activating prior knowledge will make students see the link between the previous and the current lesson (Monchinski, 2008). Using principles of behaviorism, the teacher also provides model for learning a new skill. In the given lesson, students will be taught directly how to work on the thesis statement and subsections of the speech. This effort could guide students to perform the task appropriately and produce the expected output. Also, telling students what to do or what is expected to happen prior to performing the activity could lead them to write the best speech. The key is to condition learners to act as expected. Modeling and direct instruction also serve to promote positive behavior among students.

Immanuel Kant by Nathalie G. Catalogo Essay Example for Free

Immanuel Kant by Nathalie G. Catalogo Essay German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is considered the most influential thinker of the Enlightenment era and one of the greatest Western philosophers of all times. His works, especially those on epistemology (theory of knowledge), aesthetics and ethics had a profound influence on later philosophers, including contemporary ones. Kant’s philosophy is often described as the golden middle between rationalism and empiricism. He didn’t accept either of both views but he gave credit to both. While rationalists argue that knowledge is a product of reason, empiricists claim that all knowledge comes from experience. Kant rejected yet adopted both, arguing that experience is purely subjective if not first processed by pure reason. Using reason while excluding experience would according to Kant produce theoretical illusion. Afterwards, Kant mainly focused on philosophical issues although he continued to write on science. Source: http://www. philosophers. co. uk/immanuel-kant. html Based on what I’ve read from the philosophy of Immanuel Kant which oftenly described as the golden middle between rationalism and empiricism, I strongly agree with the statements â€Å"experience is purely subjective if not first processed by pure reason† and â€Å"using reason while excluding experience would produce theoretical illusion. † Obviously, both statements complement each other. You will notice that experience needs reason for it not to be subjective and reason on the other hand, needs experience for it not to produce theoretical illusion. Empiricists claim that experience is equal to knowledge while rationalists argue that it is reason which is equal to knowledge. For example, for the empiricists, you have this experience that enrolling at University of Makati (UMak) needs patience and panctuality for there’s so many enrollees which causes a very long line so the process will take so much of your time. Through that experience, you gain knowledge so the next time you enroll, you already know how to handle things better. On the other hand, an example of rationalism is that, if someone teach you that one plus one is equal to two (1 + 1 = 2), you gain knowledge from the reason of mathematics. My assumption for the reason behind why Immanuel Kant adopted both of these is that it is closely related with each other and it needs each other to stand for its essence.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Triangle Love Intimacy

Triangle Love Intimacy Triangle of Love Robert J. Sternberg, psychologist and dean of the Tufts School of Arts and Sciences proposed a triangular theory of love that suggests that there are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Different combinations of these three components result in different types of love. For example, a mixture of intimacy and commitment results in compassionate love, while a mixture of passion and intimacy leads to passionate love. Sternberg often said, â€Å"relationships built on two or more elements are more enduring that those based upon a single component† [Tufts p 19]. Sternberg uses the term consummate love to describe a combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment. While this type of love is the strongest and most enduring, Sternberg suggests that this type of love is rare. He wrote that even as a teenager he was intrigued by the mystery of why some relationships succeed while others fail. This is why early in his academic career he developed an explanation, which he calls the â€Å"triangular theory of love.† His theory is based on the observation â€Å"that love consists of three components . . . intimacy, passion, and commitment. Different combinations and strengths of those three ingredients,† Sternberg says, â€Å"produce different kinds of love.† [Tufts p. 20] Intimacy is the feelings in a relationship that promote closeness, bonding, and connecting with one another. Passion is what drives the romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation in a loving relationship. Commitment consists of two parts.   The first is a short-term aspect in which you make the decision that you love another person and the second part is the long-term aspect in which you decide to commit to a long-term relationship and maintaining the love for that person over a long period of time [Everything2]. Sternberg also gives a detailed explanation of the types of love. â€Å"Infatuated love†, for example, is all passion, without intimacy or commitment. Romantic love has passion and intimacy but lacks commitment. â€Å"Companionate love,† he says, â€Å"results when we have only intimacy and commitment, as in a long-term deep friendship.† The kind of love that embodies all three components he calls â€Å"consummate love† [Tufts p.21]. Sternberg uses the triangle to describe different way we evolve to being in love. Each side of the triangle represents the proportion of each component with respect to the other two. The shape of the triangle that Sternberg uses is supposed to symbolize the balance between intimacy, passion and commitment, because it is equal on all sides. This is the kind of love we all hope for at one point and time. It is also the kind of love we tend to associate with living a life full of love and happiness. Sternberg acknowledges that few human relationships can maintain this perfect balance indefinitely, yet many relationships succeed in the face of enormous obstacles because both parties highly value consummate love, seek it out and work hard to maintain it. [Tufts p. 21] Sternberg wanted his theory of love to show us true love should develop, but it also meant to be used as to show us how we can develop loving and caring relationships with everyone that is apart of our life. In his study of human relationships, Sternberg discovered that â€Å"couples tended to be happier when they had more of the three components of love. And it helped if their love triangles matched in size and shape—that is, if the amount and kind of love each partner felt for the other was about the same.† [Tufts p. 21] I think that the love triangle is great. When the intensity of love shared by two people is great, so is the area of the love triangle and vice versa. However, the greater a specific component of love, like passion, the further the point from the center of the triangle will be to that component. This is why the shape of the love triangle is reliant on the strength of the different workings of love. The shape of the triangle will and should evolve over time. We may achieve such perfect forms of love as consummate love, but we all know that perfect of love is hard to maintain over time because to sustain it, we must nourish all of its components. The more a couple works on keeping the three components of consummate love in balance and nourished, the more likely such a love will be maintained for a long period of time. Love its self is so strong. I have been â€Å"in love† a few times. When I did this writing assignment I realize that I was not really in love until I met my husba nd. I took the triangle and compared the components to my past relationships and there is no comparison to what I have now. In society today, when someone mentions the word â€Å"Love† it is guaranteed that at least half the people surrounding you will shudder. Whether it is through observation or experience, people have come to learn that love is far from being the ideal state in which one should live in and, for that matter; many choose to stay away from it. It is known to break hearts, to hurt feelings and, believe it or not, it truly is not always happily ever after. Yes, Love does have its positive points. It is thrilling and exciting when youre in love, it is sometimes even euphoric but the argument here is not whether Love is good or bad for you. You and only you can make that decision. Works Cited Sternberg, Robert J. 2007. Happily ever after, Tufts Magazine 14: 3) 19-23.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Collapse of the Ottoman Empire Essay -- History, The Zionists, Jew

Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, The Arab-Israeli conflict began in earnest. As the years went on and the conflict escalated it gradually shifted from a large scale Arab–Israeli issue to the more personal Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The issue that divided both parties is primarily a territorial concern based on secular belief. Zionists belief that God had made a covenant with the Jewish people to return them to the Land of Canaan or the Biblical Promise land (Christian Zionists share sympathize with the Jews, based on common backgrounds). Yet in the Quran, as espoused by the Prophet Muhammad, the lands of Jerusalem are said to be the holiest of all Arabic lands. Three movements would develop in response to these deep divisions. The Zionism movement, the Arabism movement, and the Palestinian movement. The Zionism movement, as outlined by Theodore Hertzl in his pamphlet The Jewish State, concerns itself with the creation, and later preservation of the Jewis h state. The Arabism movement seeks to shine light on a shared cultural heritage between the Arabic nations and to consolidate each nation into a collective whole. Palestinian nationalism, emerged from Arabism, and concerns itself with recapturing the sovereignty of their historic home that they believe was taken from them by western powers and given to the Jews. All three of these nations owe their creation and continued existence to each other. And while each party has their deep difference they share parraelles and common goals that will be outlined in this paper. The word Zion means harmonized community or utopia, and is a reference to the biblical land of Israel as outlined in the Jewish Torah in the books Exodus and Genesis. The secular belief championed by... ...ents’ remains perpetually intertwined in a game of cause and effect. Zionism sought the solution to years of persecution of the Jews and eventually found that solution in their biblical home of Israel, cast out from this territory the Palestinian’s, who had been brought togetheher by Arabism, assumed the role of those in Diaspora, and sought a return to the homeland they believe is there’s. Although they would never admit it to each other each of these movements has more in common then they think. They rotate around each other like the earth around its axis, perpetually cycling into one another, championing the same complains, the same causes, and same animosities that they’ve had for thousands of years. The Arab-Israel conflict when put on paper is a series of parallel lines with occasional intersection, but never a unified theme and always an incomplete picture.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Charles Dickens Hard Times Essays -- Charles Dickens Hard Times Essay

Charles Dickens' Hard Times Charles Dickens's Hard Times is one of the most important novels in the Victorian Age. He presents an industrial society in nineteenth century in England. In this age, England prospers in manufacture and trade because of high technologies. It is also a time of trouble. Industrial development causes terrible conditions of a working class. The workers are poor and work hard. Women and children work for many hours. Dickens also presents bad social condition through his work and also shows lives of city people and industrial society in Coketown in England. In Hard times, Dickens has a compassion for the workers and calls for the readers' sympathy by showing the workers' hardships through Stephen Blackpool, a worker who is honest, innocent, generous and full of integrity. However, facing dead-end situations, Stephen Blackpool is the most pathetic figure. Stephen Blackpool is the most suffered and submissive worker. Although he is good, skilful and diligent power-loom weaver, his life is not much improved, but he has to work for survival. Dickens presents that most of Coketown citizens are workers. He says that they are " generically called ' the Hands'- a race who would have found more favor with some people, if the Providence had seen fit to make them only hands, or, like the lower creatures of the seashore, only hands and stomachs- lived a certain Stephen Blackpool, for forty years of age." Dickens comments on the terrible lives of workers. The word " generically" presents that the workers can't rise in the world because they have no education and have not enough money to make their lives better and comfortable. Their children must face the hardship such as working hard and ... ...asks for solution to improve the workers' lives because this is an important problem. The setting increases the compassion for Stephen. It is dark and silent. Everybody mourns for him, and the darkness symbolizes sorrow and death. This picture also shows Rachael's love for Stephen. She kneels on the grass, clasp his hand and tries to comfort although he hurts badly and is going to die. This picture shows the relationship between Stephen Blackpool, his wife and Rachael. Stephen and Rachael love each other, but he can't divorce his wife because of the high expense in lawsuit that he can't afford. Rachael is good and generous woman who takes care of Stephen's wife. She is like an angel, light and shining star. On the contrary, his wife is helpless and alcoholic. She increases Stephen's burden and tries to commit suicide, but Rachael can save her life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cell phones †How have they changed us socially? Essay

After more than a century, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines continues to perform a significant role in nation-building and it remains steadfast in its resolve to participate in the national and global academic arena. The current university administration, with Dr. Emanuel C. De Guzman at the helm, strengthens and highlights even further the role of the University in the production of important knowledge, information and ideas as aptly reflected in the University’s vision of becoming an EPISTEMIC COMMUNITY. In this regard, the University adopts a clear, practical, and realizable University Research Agenda (URA) meant and calculated to (1) unify the direction and framework of the research activities of the University; (2) align the research efforts of the University with the thrust and priorities of the National government agencies, such as the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the National Economic and Development Agency (NEDA), Commission on Higher Educ ation (CHED) and others; and (3) generate researches, scientific innovations, speculative and theoretical paradigms which are expected to drive economic, scientific, social, moral and technological development. The University Research Agenda is categorized into five general themes, to wit: (1) peace, security and poverty reduction; (2) accelerating infrastructure development; (3) competitive industry and entrepreneurship; (4) social and cultural development; and (5) conservation, protection and rehabilitation of the environment towards sustainable development. 1 PEACE, SECURITY AND POVERTY REDUCTION This research theme addresses three important national and global issues that mankind is squarely faced: peace, security and poverty. The University is  in the belief that these issues are interrelated—solving one means solving others. A. Peace and Security Studies Peace and security studies and researches are expected (1) understand the causes of armed conflicts, religious disagreements, cultural clashes, war, terrorism, genocide, human rights violations and others; (2) develop ways and devises to prevent and resolve identified peace and security problems; and ultimately (3) build peaceful and just communities, systems, and societies. Obviously, these types of studies require interdisciplinary approaches and expertise. Henceforth, researches with the following topics could meet the above expectations: (1) Understand the causes of armed conflicts, religious disagreements, cultural clashes, war, terrorism, genocide, human rights violations and others with focus or emphasis on: a. Political dynamics, b. Democratization, c. National and human security, d. Social Issues, e. Social Movements, f. Migration, g. International relations and trans-border issues, h. Internationalization, i. World politics, j. Ethnographic and ethnicity studies, k. Knowledge and Belief systems, l. Religion and Philosophy, m. Human growth and development, n. Other related topics. (2) Develop ways and devises to prevent and resolve identified peace and security problems, particularly on: a. Organizational communication, b. Development communication, c. Cross-cultural communication, d. Peace communication, e. Psycho-trauma and crisis intervention, f. Translation studies, g. Ethno-linguistics, h. Behavioral, psychosocial, psychological researches, i. Macroeconomics and globalization issues, and j. Other related topics. (3) Build peaceful and just communities, systems and societies, exploring: a. Access, equity and ethics, b. Globalization of education and cross cultural aspects, c. Institutional development, d. Women and children issues, e. Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) issues, f. Gender and development studies, and g. Other related topics. B. Poverty Reduction Studies The University works with the paradigm that the poverty issue is multi-dimensional and is driven by multifarious causes. Poverty studies therefore should cover the many facets of the causes and effects of poverty as well as the ways of addressing them. They should also be linked with peace and security concerns of localities, regions and countries. The studies should reveal the relationships of poverty to security, human rights, governance, lack of education, and limited access to social services for according to Kofi Annan, development cannot be enjoyed without security and security cannot be enjoyed without development. Roles and models on local resource and local actors mobilization, increasing productivity and creativity, community-driven development, and development partnerships between public and private sector should likewise be included among the focus of poverty studies. The following research topics are herein identified for poverty reduction according to different dimensio ns: Social, Political and Cultural Dimension Knowledge and Belief systems Social Welfare Local Government Studies Public-private partnership Public personnel management and development Marriage and Family Human development and social protection Quality of Life Fighting poverty with good governance Other related topics Educational Dimension Educational technology/Innovation and change Communication Technology Student support services Professional development and faculty support Quality assurance Curricular benchmarking Institutional development Policy studies Outcome-based education Inquiry-based education Promotion of full, decent and productive employment Transformative education Consumers’ Rights Teacher and student achievements Quality service Home-School-Community collaboration Employment impact Graduate tracer studies Economic Dimension National and local economic policies Growth and equity Local/community and distributive economics SMEs, cooperatives and social enterprise Food sufficiency and productivity Corporate social responsibility Supply chain management Micro-finance/micro lending strategies Employment ACCELERATING INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Consistent with the National Government’s thrust, the University is determined to effect significant economic growth, human development and social protection through acceleration of infrastructure development. Undoubtedly, infrastructure development is one of the major priorities of the national government as it is clearly and concretely outlined in the recent National Economic and Development Authority agenda. The University, in support to the government’s efforts, undertakes to provide the country with research-based studies, scientific and engineering innovations that would enable both the government and private sectors in hastening infrastructure development. The University identified the following areas and topics to concentrate on: Hard Infrastructures and Software Infrastructures. Hard Infrastructureswhich are meant to support the drivers of economic growth such as tourism, agriculture, industry, energy and others, specifically: Urban and Rural Housing Transportation and Structural Engineering Energy Related Infrastructure (e.g. power sources, upgrade of existing power plants, etc.) Transportation technology Energy conservation facilities Flood control and management Irrigation systems Resettlement frameworks for informal settlers Water treatment facilities Transport policy studies Other related topics Software Infrastructureswhich are meant to provide the necessary services for human development and social protection such education, health, information technology and others specifically: E-governance Software development and theory Transaction processing systems Management Information Systems/Reporting Systems Distance Teaching Systems and Institutions E-Learning and related technology development Internet and web applications development Data engineering and Ubiquitous computing Knowledge management Mobile computing systems Computer Aided Instructions Network security and issues IT-Enabled Services COMPETITIVE INDUSTRY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP The University recognizes the country’s need to strengthen the competitiveness of its industries particularly those which are driving the nation forward in terms of economic growth such as tourism, agriculture, skilled manpower in ICT and language proficiency, retail, exports, investments and banking. Furthermore, PUP is one with the National Government in its objective of assuring rapid and sustained growth for the country. In view of this, the University with its various academic and research arms, identify important research topics and areas which could be explored to reveal important trends, issues and challenges confronting these industries; and to discover devices and ways to address these challenges. The following research topics are hereunder identified: Market for Agriculture Industry Cooperative Management Resource Management Quality Management Medium and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Executive/Enterprises Information Systems Industry needs analysis Human resource management practices and issues Management studies (Cooperative management, resource management, quality management) Work values Macro and micro economics Investments and banking systems and operations Enhancing competitiveness of industry and services Intelligent agents in Ecommerce Management and organization Tourism and Hospitality Management National and Local Economic Policy research (NEDA, LGU projects, DTI) Another related facet of this research theme is entrepreneurship. Along this line, the University hereunder identified the following research topics and areas: Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Studies Development Projects Livelihood Business Development and Innovations Product Development Incubation and commercialization Business generation E-Business researches/ E-commerce SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Culture and society are linked to each other. Generally, culture is an important element of social development. The University, with its strong Academic/ Research Centers and Institutes pertaining to cultural and social studies, is bent to support the national government in the: (1) creation of intellectual potential; (2) building of human capital; (3) popularization of culture, arts and heritage; (4) forging social integration; (5) promotion of national identity through local and national historiography; (6) prevention of social pathologies; (7) initiation and establishment of cooperation; (8) advancement and promotion of national solidarity and patrimony; and (9) reduction of disproportions of personal development of citizens as a form of social advancement. The following research topics are identified in order to direct the University research activities along the line of cultural and  social development: Philosophical Studies Sociological Studies Historiography Literature, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Folk Arts Heritage studies/ Intangible cultural heritage/Heritage conservation Popular culture Filipino worldview Media in the ASEAN Filipino culture Communication and society Media laws and ethics Communication technology Media literacy Media usage and effects Information campaign and evaluation, AD/PR principles and case studies Human growth and development studies Sexuality and health-risk behaviors Organizational behavior, multiple intelligences, giftedness and learning disabilities Technology-mediated, language learning and teaching, Philippine languages, translation studies, ethnolinguistics, registers CONSERVATION, PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Conservation, protection and rehabilitation of the environment is a significant factor in the maintenance of community`s sustainability. It includes the sustainable use and management of the natural resources such as water, natural energy, air, wildlife and minerals. The University recognizes this as a very important element of national development. The following research areas and topics have been identified to generate knowledge to supplement the existing body of works regarding the management, care, use and exploitation of the natural resources: Climate change mitigation Climate change adaptation Disaster management, preparedness and monitoring Energy conservation Environmental conservation and preservation Environment protection and stewardship Urban ecology Global warming

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Road by Cormac Mccarthy

The Road by Corm McCarthy is a novel set in a post-apocalyptic world following the path of a Father and Son. McCarthy is a highly celebrated award-winning author. He is 78 years old and has an 8-year-old son – an uncommon circumstance – underlining that for him, death is imminent and prompting him to consider the ideas discussed in his novel. In The Road, the father is undergoing a crisis of faith and so adopts an Existentialist view and creates meaning through his son – who therefore influences many of his actions.I found McCarthy use of techniques such as Juxtaposition and antithesis that counter the macabre images throughout the book with those of love between the father and Son both repulsive and fascinating at the same time. The earth is in a state of despair – there is no electricity, transport or access to food/ water. Much of humanity has turned feral, losing all sense of the moral code that makes us human. McCarthy uses the Mother and Father to sh ow conflicting choices made in this environment. The Fathers choice was to live because of the belief he has in his child, which he formed in his despair. If he is not the word of God than God never spoke. Because of the nightmarish situation the world has been placed in, he finds it hard to hold onto his religious beliefs concerning God and so instead looks to find another meaning in life to give him reason to continue – his son. If the son is not worth keeping alive then everything that he once believed in must be false. On the other hand, the mother takes a nihilistic view. â€Å"Why don't we talk about death anymore? Because it is here. There is nothing left to talk about. † She chooses to kill herself, as she believes that there is no point prolonging the inevitable. They will ape us, kill us and eat us. † This represents a grotesque corruption of parenthood. For the mother to take such drastic measures we realize the true gravity and hopelessness of the sit uation. However, even though the mother can see this clearly, the Father, who cannot give up hope while his son lives, cannot bear to let this hope die even though it may be in the child's best intentions. We can clearly see the effect the son has on his father because he has chosen to follow his belief system and fight to keep his son and therefore hope alive.The mother and father are both in the same tuition but choose to follow different paths. However, as McCarthy further explores in the novel, both of these choices will ultimately end in death. Through the son's actions, McCarthy suggests a different path to choose in this environment, while continuing to demonstrate the sons influence over the father. When they come across a shuffling, limping man who looks close to death the father insists that nothing can be done. â€Å"Can't we help him Papa? † The son shows a compassion and humanity that the father, in his quest for survival, lacks this.He chooses to treat everythin g, hostile or otherwise as a threat. This is an understandable mentality but as the son demonstrates to us certainly not the only one. Later in the novel, the pair come across a little boy and a dog on the road. â€Å"We should go get him, Papa. We could get him and take him with us. We could take him and we could take the dog. The dog could catch something to eat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. What about the little boy? He sobbed. What about the little boy? † In this case, the boys kindness seems to go beyond Just compassion.He seems to see himself in the little boy (if not purely for any reason ether insists that they cannot trust a little boy Just like him might make him consider if they really are the ‘good guys' and ‘carrying the flame' -the only comfort he draws from their situation. McCarthy clearly shows us the son struggling to accept his father's mentality and starting to form his own based on compassion and his own innate goodness. The fathers crisis of f aith develops throughout the novel. Towards the beginning of the novel, we see how he had mixed feelings over God, as he felt abandoned in this hell on earth. How does the never to be differ from what never was? Even with the son to place his hope in, the father's crisis of faith is enough to make him question if god ever existed. To cope with the world he lives in he adopts the mentality of ‘shoot or be shot' and treats everything with suspicion and little compassion. However, we see exceptions to this rule where the sons influence is concerned like when they meet the old man Eli on the road and the father gives him food due to the sons pleading. But the real change occurs in the father towards the end of the novel when he knows he will die soon and accepts the son's mentality. Whatever form you spoke of, you were right. The father is beginning to understand the boys mind set. But immediately after this comes the death of the father and although showing the son truly alone, i t also represents the death of his mentality and his religion which acts as an external body of rules used as a moral code. This organized religion has broken down in this environment. However, the son demonstrates a different path based on an innate goodness inside us. God was meaningless to the boy, he came from a world he did not understand or belong to. The boy never needed the father for meaning – His innate goodness is meaning in itself.This mentality that the son can now carry on lends to the possibility of a future in this world that would be based on the assumption of an innate goodness in all of us that must be found in order to remain human. McCarthy is discussing the value of faith – something worth living for, a reason to try to survive in the harshest of Corm McCarthy discusses the relationship between father and son situations. In his novel The Road. The father choice to make the son his Warrant' to live shows the influence he has on him. ‘Glowing like a tabernacle. ‘ He literally sees his son as a odd like figure.However, McCarthy makes clear throughout the novel that the fathers choices he makes in an attempt to protect his son are, while understandable, far from admirable. The father constantly treats everything as a threat. The small boy they encountered was left behind because the father suspected a trap. He nearly killed the already half-dead man who stole their shopping trolley of supplies. The path offered by the son is the more morally correct and therefore human choice to make. It seems as if the author is counting on the existence of the innate goodness inside all of us.Although he discusses the worst of what we are capable of, he sets up the expectation that humanity will find the best of itself. It is clear that the sons influence over his father went as far as to start to break down the walls of his religious mentality but in order to see the true demise of his organized religion the father must die. As a 16-year-old living a pampered life, this novel is a bit of a slap in the face. McCarthy forces us to ask the hard questions. At your core, are you good? Does your compassion outweigh your selfishness and greed? I would love to say yes but I'm not sure that I can. The Road by Cormac Mccarthy The Road by Corm McCarthy is a novel set in a post-apocalyptic world following the path of a Father and Son. McCarthy is a highly celebrated award-winning author. He is 78 years old and has an 8-year-old son – an uncommon circumstance – underlining that for him, death is imminent and prompting him to consider the ideas discussed in his novel. In The Road, the father is undergoing a crisis of faith and so adopts an Existentialist view and creates meaning through his son – who therefore influences many of his actions.I found McCarthy use of techniques such as Juxtaposition and antithesis that counter the macabre images throughout the book with those of love between the father and Son both repulsive and fascinating at the same time. The earth is in a state of despair – there is no electricity, transport or access to food/ water. Much of humanity has turned feral, losing all sense of the moral code that makes us human. McCarthy uses the Mother and Father to sh ow conflicting choices made in this environment. The Fathers choice was to live because of the belief he has in his child, which he formed in his despair. If he is not the word of God than God never spoke. Because of the nightmarish situation the world has been placed in, he finds it hard to hold onto his religious beliefs concerning God and so instead looks to find another meaning in life to give him reason to continue – his son. If the son is not worth keeping alive then everything that he once believed in must be false. On the other hand, the mother takes a nihilistic view. â€Å"Why don't we talk about death anymore? Because it is here. There is nothing left to talk about. † She chooses to kill herself, as she believes that there is no point prolonging the inevitable. They will ape us, kill us and eat us. † This represents a grotesque corruption of parenthood. For the mother to take such drastic measures we realize the true gravity and hopelessness of the sit uation. However, even though the mother can see this clearly, the Father, who cannot give up hope while his son lives, cannot bear to let this hope die even though it may be in the child's best intentions. We can clearly see the effect the son has on his father because he has chosen to follow his belief system and fight to keep his son and therefore hope alive.The mother and father are both in the same tuition but choose to follow different paths. However, as McCarthy further explores in the novel, both of these choices will ultimately end in death. Through the son's actions, McCarthy suggests a different path to choose in this environment, while continuing to demonstrate the sons influence over the father. When they come across a shuffling, limping man who looks close to death the father insists that nothing can be done. â€Å"Can't we help him Papa? † The son shows a compassion and humanity that the father, in his quest for survival, lacks this.He chooses to treat everythin g, hostile or otherwise as a threat. This is an understandable mentality but as the son demonstrates to us certainly not the only one. Later in the novel, the pair come across a little boy and a dog on the road. â€Å"We should go get him, Papa. We could get him and take him with us. We could take him and we could take the dog. The dog could catch something to eat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. What about the little boy? He sobbed. What about the little boy? † In this case, the boys kindness seems to go beyond Just compassion.He seems to see himself in the little boy (if not purely for any reason ether insists that they cannot trust a little boy Just like him might make him consider if they really are the ‘good guys' and ‘carrying the flame' -the only comfort he draws from their situation. McCarthy clearly shows us the son struggling to accept his father's mentality and starting to form his own based on compassion and his own innate goodness. The fathers crisis of f aith develops throughout the novel. Towards the beginning of the novel, we see how he had mixed feelings over God, as he felt abandoned in this hell on earth. How does the never to be differ from what never was? Even with the son to place his hope in, the father's crisis of faith is enough to make him question if god ever existed. To cope with the world he lives in he adopts the mentality of ‘shoot or be shot' and treats everything with suspicion and little compassion. However, we see exceptions to this rule where the sons influence is concerned like when they meet the old man Eli on the road and the father gives him food due to the sons pleading. But the real change occurs in the father towards the end of the novel when he knows he will die soon and accepts the son's mentality. Whatever form you spoke of, you were right. The father is beginning to understand the boys mind set. But immediately after this comes the death of the father and although showing the son truly alone, i t also represents the death of his mentality and his religion which acts as an external body of rules used as a moral code. This organized religion has broken down in this environment. However, the son demonstrates a different path based on an innate goodness inside us. God was meaningless to the boy, he came from a world he did not understand or belong to. The boy never needed the father for meaning – His innate goodness is meaning in itself.This mentality that the son can now carry on lends to the possibility of a future in this world that would be based on the assumption of an innate goodness in all of us that must be found in order to remain human. McCarthy is discussing the value of faith – something worth living for, a reason to try to survive in the harshest of Corm McCarthy discusses the relationship between father and son situations. In his novel The Road. The father choice to make the son his Warrant' to live shows the influence he has on him. ‘Glowing like a tabernacle. ‘ He literally sees his son as a odd like figure.However, McCarthy makes clear throughout the novel that the fathers choices he makes in an attempt to protect his son are, while understandable, far from admirable. The father constantly treats everything as a threat. The small boy they encountered was left behind because the father suspected a trap. He nearly killed the already half-dead man who stole their shopping trolley of supplies. The path offered by the son is the more morally correct and therefore human choice to make. It seems as if the author is counting on the existence of the innate goodness inside all of us.Although he discusses the worst of what we are capable of, he sets up the expectation that humanity will find the best of itself. It is clear that the sons influence over his father went as far as to start to break down the walls of his religious mentality but in order to see the true demise of his organized religion the father must die. As a 16-year-old living a pampered life, this novel is a bit of a slap in the face. McCarthy forces us to ask the hard questions. At your core, are you good? Does your compassion outweigh your selfishness and greed? I would love to say yes but I'm not sure that I can.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Composing Self Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Composing Self - Assignment Example They have stated that this tool purports to nurture students. However, it stunts the growth of our minds as students (Wesley, 2000). Leaving the form behind meant that you hand an intention of expanding our level of reasoning. I had read in several published journals about the effects of the five paragraph theme. In my opinion, I felt that this writing tool had become a national phenomenon for most of us as students. The status quo that has always reinforced the high school composition instructions is quite dangerous. It came to my mind that you might found out that the five paragraph theme had become so bring in writing and we needed to learn other tools (Wesley, 2000). The idea of abolishing the five paragraph theme as a writing style caused a lot of anxiety. I knew that we would now be taught about a new writing style. I became more eager to learn about a new style and put it into practice. I started feeling that being introduced to a new style would give me a chance to write more. The five paragraph theme had always been restricting me to only five paragraphs in my writing. For example, our teacher would ask to write a seven page essay about two novels. In these kinds of situations, I used to find it quite challenging in fitting a seven page essay in five paragraphs. I felt so excited when our teacher abolished the 5PT. I have a chance to write more without

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

PROBATION PRACTICE IN ENGLAND Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

PROBATION PRACTICE IN ENGLAND - Essay Example Institutionalized racism produces discriminatory effects on health through public policy, the physical environment, social and medical services and preventive health policy. The studies conducted by various organizations and individuals shows that the practice of racism is prevails in the criminal justice system also. There is recent evidence (from the 2000 British Crime Survey) that black and particularly Asian people are more likely than whites to say that the criminal justice system is effective in bringing offenders to justice, dealing with cases promptly and efficiently, and meeting the needs of crime victims. But at the same time Minority ethnic people were less confident that the system respected the rights of suspects and treated them fairly, and black respondents especially were less likely than whites to believe that the police treated witnesses well (Mirrlees-Black, 2001)(1). Whatever it is, it is important to explore the field of probation practice and the treatment of minority ethnic groups in the criminal justice system, to identify the criminogenic needs of black and Asian offenders, and to explore their views about probation supervision, and to inform decisions about appropriate service provision. Thereby we can have a deep look into the p... 1. Mirrlees-Black, C. (2001) Confidence in the Criminal Justice System: Findings from the 2000 British Crime Survey. Research Findings No. 137, London: Home Office. 2 Thereby we can have a deep look into the probation practice to diversity in working with these Black and Asians .Moreover we can corroborate the possibility that people from minority ethnic groups may be subject to disadvantageous treatment at all stages of the criminal justice process, even if this does not result from overt racist discrimination (Phillips and B rown, 1998).(2) Before going to explore the areas of diversities in the probation practice regarding the black and Asian offenders, it will be helpful to have look on the scope of probation practices and criminal justice system. Probation service and Criminal Justice System The National Probation Service is a law enforcement agency delivering community punishment, supervising offenders within terms set by courts & the parole board and working with offenders to reduce their re-offending & to protect the public. It is an integral part of the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is defined by government as:(3) (1)Home Office - police, prison and the probation service, 2) Lord Chancellor's Department - crown and magistrates' courts and court of appeal 3) Law Officers' department - crown prosecution and serious fraud office.This informal supervision was given a statutory basis by the Probation of Offenders Act 1907, which allowed courts to appoint and employ probation officers. They were required to advise, assist and befriend