Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis Of King Louis Xvi And The Royal Family - 963 Words

On June 21, 1791 King Louis XVI and the royal family left the city of Paris in an attempt to escape the city’s turmoil, and the King’s Jacobin enemies. The King, his wife Marie Antoinette, their two children, the king’s sister, and a governess, began their escape east towards the Austrian border. The escape party managed to make it to Sainte-Menehould, just a couple hours away from the border, before the relay stables manager Drouet recognized them. Drouet followed the party until they stopped to just outside of the town of Varennes. Drouet continued on to Varennes to inform members of the town’s national guard that he had spotted the monarch. After a brief period of disbelief, the guardsmen left to retrieve a couple town councilmen, and Drouet went to delay the royal family until a town leader had arrived. When the escape party arrived in Varennes, the town manager, Jean-Baptiste Sauce met the carriages and asked for their travel papers. Although the pass enger’s papers appeared in order, some were skeptical, and the escape party was told that they would have to wait until the morning for their paperwork to be properly inspected. Only a short while later Louis admitted his real identity claiming that he was forced to leave Paris because the Jacobins had taken over the city and that he was not trying to flee France, but get to Montmà ©dy. Although the town leaders initially agreed to help the king to Montmà ©dy, they began to have second thoughts. These second thoughts stemmedShow MoreRelatedMarie Antoinette s Influence On France2025 Words   |  9 PagesFrance, causing an outrage since she was an outsider.. Many events were blamed on her which had a huge impact on France. Many opposed her due to her poor leadership skills and lack of interest in the people. Marie Antoinette, along with her husband Louis XVI, came into power at a difficult time. France was in debt and revolutions were rising. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Workplace and Patient Safety - 1387 Words

Hospital Workplace and Patient safety: The first interventions for positive outcome Outline of the Article I. Backgound II. Objective III. Errors due to fatigue of nursing personnel IV. Healthcare Associated Infections V. Personal Protective equipments VI. Hand Hygiene VII. Transitions of care and Patient Handoffs VIII. Conclusion IX. References Hospital Workplace and Patient safety: The first interventions for positive outcome Background Safety of any workplace is very important in†¦show more content†¦Fatigue can also be prevented by employing relaxation techniques in care settings. There should also be proper screening techniques to understand the level of fatigue of particular nursing personnel on a particular day and if needed she should be deployed in less critical units to avoid chances of errors. This is because critical care patents often lack suitable coping strategies to combat the errors that jeopardize their safety. Healthcare Associated Infections Healthcare Associated Infections not only impacts the patients who are admitted but also the care providers who are deployed for providing care. The major healthcare associated infections are nosocomial infections and transmission diseases like hepatitis A and B. Nosocomial infections are hospital acquired infections and are mainly caused by gram negative organisms and methicilin resistant staphylococcus. These are opportunistic pathogens and whenever a patient is febrile or having a decreased immune function, these pathogens cause super infections that leads to increased morbidity and mortality in patients. These pathogens may also infect health care providers who have a compromised nutritional and immunological status and such individuals are readily attacked by these pathogens. The major cause of their prevalence is under dosing of antibiotic regimes, improper asepsis procedures in healthcareShow MoreRelatedLateral Workplace Violence : Effective, Destructive, Or Harassment Behavio r1344 Words   |  6 Pages Lateral workplace violence is described as aggressive, destructive, or harassment behavior in the workplace between nurses or other members of the interprofessional team (Yoder-Wise, 2015). This type of behavior can occur within every aspect of life including professional, social, and personal life. The behavior can include gossiping, withholding information, or ostracism extending outside of the workplace and can occur in person or in cyberspace (American Nursing Association, 2011). LateralRead Moremiss1624 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Safety Health at Work SN1794 Assignment 10/3/2013 Joy Mc Inerney Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Explore the role of communications and training in promotion and provision of health and safety in the workplace. 3. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Entrance Exam Free Essays

Virgen Milagrosa University Fondation San Carlos City, Pangasinan College Of Computer Science SY (2012-2013) Entrance examination System of Psu Programmers: Julius Eric S. Tuliao CS II-B Arnel Soriano CS II-B Kenneth Gatpo CS II-B Data Dictionary Database Name : StudInfo Table Name: Table StudInfo Field NameData TypeField SizeDescription ID NumberAutonumberLong IntegerRefers to the ID number of the examinee. NameText28Refers to the name of the examinee. We will write a custom essay sample on Entrance Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now AddressText30Refers to the address of the examinee AgeText15Refers to the age of the examinee. GenderText6Refers to the gender of the examinee. StatusText10Refers to the civil status of the examinee ReligionText25Refers to the religious belief of the examinee Contact NumberNumberLong IntegerRefers to the contact number of the examinee. No. Of CorrectNumberLong IntegerRefers to the number of correct answers of the examinee. Scholarship DiscountText5Refers to the equivalent scholarship discount of the number correct answers of the examinee. CourseText10Refers to the preferred course of the examinee. Table Name: Admin Field NameData TypeField SizeDescription ID NumberAutonumberLong IntegerRefers To the ID number of the administrator UsernameText25Refers to the username of the administrator PasswordText25Refers to the password of the student Screenshots With Description When the user run the system a progressbar will appear when the progressbar is full a message box will be displayed that says that loading is complete. After Clicking the ok button in the message box the homepage will appear. The user will see that at the menu bar there is a File, Help, and Exit menus. The menu File contains the submenus: Administrator and Examinee Under the Help menu is the submenus: About the programmer and about the system which contains the information abut we the programmers and the system. The exit menu allows the user to exit the system but before the user could exit the system a message box will be shown in which he will be ask to confirm exit. This login form will appear once you click the submenu administrator under the File menu. It will then ask the user to enter his/her password and username. After the user enters the correct username and password the administrator form will appear which has four different menus namely: File, Account, View, and Report. The File menu contains the submenu logout which is used to exit the administrator form. The Account menu contains the new account. The View menu contains the View All submenu which allows the user to view all the enlisted information about the examinees. The Report Menu contain the submenus: View All, 100% discount, 75% discount, 50% discount, 25% discount and 0% discount. These submenus allows the user to have a printable copy of the examinees information and he could also choose among the different classification of the examinee who already took the examination. In this form you could add new account that will allow you to have access to the administrator form. This is the form that shows the enlisted information of the examinees who already took up the examination. It allows the user to edit the information of the examinee (except the number of correct and the scholarship discount) and save it to the database. The user could also delete not needed records. The user could also move from one information to another just by clicking the next, previous, first and last buttons. This form is the about the system form it states the function of our system and other information about the system. This is the about the programmers form it allows the user to browse the information of the programmer of his/her choice by clicking the buttons whose captions corresponds to the name of the programmer. This is the information about one of the programmers of this system Arnel Soriano. This is the information about Kenneth Gatpo. This is the information of Julius Eric Tuliao. This is the data report of all the examinees. This is the information about the students who has 100% discount on their tuition fees. Screenshots With Codes Codes: Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If (pb. Value) = 16 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"50%† ElseIf txtscore. Text = 10 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"25%† ElseIf txtscore. Text = 0 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"0%† End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update Dim a As Integer a = MsgBox(â€Å"Thank You†¦ You Have Just Finished The Entrance Examination†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. AddNew txtnam. Text = frmexamsignin. txtname. Text txtage. Text = frmexamsignin. txtage. Text txtadd. Text = frmexamsignin. txtaddress. Text txtstat. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbstat. Text txtgen. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbgender. Text txtrel. Text = frmexamsignin. txtreligion. Text txtcon. Text = frmexamsignin. txtcontact. Text txtcourse. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbcourse. Text txtscore. Text = 0 framea. Visible = True Frameb. Visible = True framec. Visible = False framed. Visible = False cmdsubmit. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub opt1_Click(Index As Integer) cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub opt2_Click(Index As Integer) mdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub opt3_Click(Index As Integer) cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub optcheck30_Click() cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If (Val(lbltimer2) = 0) Then lbltimer1. Caption = Val(lbltimer1) – 1 lbltimer2. Caption = 59 Else lbltimer2. Caption = Val(lbltimer2 – 1) End If If (Val(lbltim er1) = 0 And Val(lbltimer2) = 0) Then Timer1. Enabled = False If optcheck1. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck2. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck3. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck4. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck5. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck6. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck7. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck8. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck9. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck10. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck11. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck12. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck13. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck14. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck15. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck16. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck17. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck18. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck19. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck20. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck21. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck22. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck23. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck24. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck25. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck26. Value = True Then xtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck27. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck28. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck29. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck30. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If txtscor e. Text = 25 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"100%† ElseIf txtscore. Text = 19 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"75%† ElseIf txtscore. Text = 16 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"50%† ElseIf txtscore. Text = 10 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"25%† ElseIf txtscore. Text = 0 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"0%† End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update a = MsgBox(â€Å"Sorry your time is up†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End If End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() txtname = â€Å"† txtage = â€Å"† txtstat = â€Å"† txtreligion = â€Å"† txtcontact = â€Å"† txtaddress = â€Å"† cmbgender = â€Å"† cmbcourse. Text = â€Å"† End Sub Private Sub cmdhome_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_Click() Dim a As Integer If txtname. Text = â€Å"† Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtaddress. Text = â€Å"† Then = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtage. Text = â€Å"† Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å" , vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtcontact. Text = â€Å"† Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtreligion. Text = â€Å"† Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf cmbgender. Text = â€Å"† Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf cmbstat. Text = â€Å"† Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. , vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) Else cmdtake. Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdtake_Click() Load frmexam frmexam. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtname. Text = â€Å"† txtage. Text = â€Å"† txtaddress. Text = â€Å"† txtreligion. Text = â€Å"† txtcontact. Text = â€Å"† cmbstat. Text = â€Å"† cmbgende r. Text = â€Å"† cmbcourse. Text = â€Å"† cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Male†) cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Female†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Widow†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Married†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Single†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Legally Separated†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSCS†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSED†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSBA†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSENG†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSPHAR†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSDENTISTRY†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSHRM†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSN†) End Sub Private Sub txtcontact_Change() If Not IsNumeric(txtcontact. Text) Then txtcontact. Text = â€Å"† End If End Sub Codes: Private Sub cdm_Click(Index As Integer) txtpin = txtpin cdm(Index). Caption End Sub Private Sub cmd_Click() txtpin. Text = Left(txtpin, Len(txtpin) – 1) End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() ‘set the global var to false ‘to denote a failed login LoginSucceeded = False Me. Hide Load frmhomepage frmhomepage. Show End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim a As String On Error GoTo record If (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. BOF = True) And (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. EOF = True) Then Exit Sub a = MsgBox(â€Å"valid Account or Password†, vbInformation, â€Å"Error†) txtuser. Text = â€Å"† txtpass. Text = â€Å"† Exit Sub End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. MoveFirst If txtuser. Text = lbla. Caption And txtpass. Text = lblp. Caption Then Load frmadminmenu frmadminmenu. Show Me. Hide txtuser. Text = â€Å"† txtpass. Text = â€Å"† End If Do With DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2 .MoveNext If . EOF Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Invalid Account or Password, try again! â€Å", vbInformation, â€Å"Error†) txtuser. Text = â€Å"† txtpin. Text = â€Å"† Exit Sub ElseIf txtuser. Text = lbla. Caption And txtpass. Text = lblp. Caption Then Load frmadminmenu frmadminmenu. Show Me. Hide txtuser. Text = â€Å"† txtpass. Text = â€Å"† Exit Sub Else End If End With Loop Until (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. EOF) record: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() lbla. Visible = False lblp. Visible = False Picture1. Visible = True Picture2. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Picture1. Visible = True Picture2. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Picture2. Visible = True Picture1. Visible = False End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdback_Click() frmadminmenu. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() txtPassword = â€Å"† txtUserName = â€Å"† End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. Update Dim a As String a = MsgBox(â€Å"Your Username and Password has been Saved†) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. AddNew Picture1. Visible = True Picture3. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Picture1. Visible = True Picture3. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Picture3. Visible = True Picture1. Visible = False End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdarnel_Click() Load frmprograma frmprograma. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmderic_Click() Load frmprogramj frmprogramj. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdken_Click() Load frmprogramk frmprogramk. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub home_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdprogram_Click() Load frmprogram frmprogram. Show Unload Me End Sub Codes: Private Sub admin_Click() frmadminmenu. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdadminmenu_Click() End Sub Private Sub cmddelete_Click() If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF True Then X = MsgBox(â€Å"Are you sure you want to delete this item? , vbYesNo + vbQuestion, â€Å"This data is not recoverable†) If X = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else On Error Resume Next DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Delete DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveNext If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True Then DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveLast End If End If Else X = MsgBox(â€Å"no current record†, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, â€Å"Warni ng! â€Å") End If End Sub Private Sub cmdedit_Click() txtname. Locked = False txtaddress. Locked = False txtage. Locked = False cmbgender. Locked = False cmbstat. Locked = False txtreligion. Locked = False txtcontact. Locked = False End Sub Private Sub cmdfirst_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveFirst cmdnext. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdlast_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveLast cmdprev. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdnext_Click() Dim a As String If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"End of file was encountered†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) cmdnext. Enabled = False Exit Sub Else DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveNext cmdprev. Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdprev_Click() Dim a As String If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. BOF = True Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"beginning of file was encountered†, vbInformation + bOKOnly, â€Å"message†) cmdprev. Enabled = False Exit Sub Else DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MovePrevious cmdnext. Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update X = MsgBox(â€Å"data Updated†, vbOKOnly + vbInformation) txtname. Locked = True txtaddress. Locked = True txtage. Locke d = True txtreligion. Locked = True txtcontact. Locked = True txtcorrect. Locked = True txtdiscount. Locked = True cmbgender. Locked = True cmbstat. Locked = True End Sub Private Sub cmdsearch_Click() Dim a As Integer Dim search As String On Error GoTo record search = â€Å"† If (DataEnvironment1. sCommand1. BOF = True And DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True) Then Exit Sub End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveFirst search = InputBox(â€Å"Enter Name†, â€Å"Search a record†) If search = txtname. Text Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"record Found†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) End If Do With DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1 .MoveNext If . EOF Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"No record Found†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) Exit Sub ElseIf search = txtname. Text Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"record Found†) Exit Sub Else End If End With Loop Until (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF) record: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtname. Locked = True txtaddress. Locked = True txtage. Locked = True txtreligion. Locked = True txtcontact. Locked = True txtcorrect. Locked = True txtdiscount. Locked = True cmbgender. Locked = True cmbstat. Locked = True cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Male†) cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Female†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Single†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Married†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Legally Separated†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Widow†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSCS†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSED†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSBA†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSENG†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSPHAR†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSDENTISTRY†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSHRM†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSN†) End Sub Private Sub homepage_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Introduction of entrance examination system Computers greatly enhances the speed and accurate result of counting process. Results could be attained even right after the examinations reducing the time to a simple part compare to the time it takes if the examinations is done manually. Computerize entrance examinations have the possible to create examinations results with much greater accuracy than traditional paper-based entrance examination system. Computer machines invented to influence us to make our work easier and better. In schools, banks and offices use computerized system in its operations to avoid time consuming and improve competence for the better service. With the help of computerized system people may take their advantages in order to meet their work faster. The world is changing so fast that we need to keep abreast to the fast upgrading of computer technologies to make us more productive. Many schools that conduct examination are using their manual based system up to present. In managing their system, they have encountered difficulties and problems for it is laborious and time consuming. The Guidance Counselor of PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERISITY San Carlos Campus gave the entrance exam to all incoming freshmen in order to test the mental capabilities of every student. In Manual System, the processing of transactions of the Guidance Counselor may take time consuming in recording, checking and retrieving files of students. If the students did not meet the cut off score in the examination, the student will not be qualified to enroll in the school. This study is about a Local Area Network (LAN) Based examination which allows communication from server to client or vice versa to provide data and to make the task easier How to cite Entrance Exam, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fight the Dead and Fear the Living Essay Example For Students

Fight the Dead and Fear the Living Essay The meaning of zombie has changed so drastically from the times of White Zombie, to the current Walking Dead. In movies like Day of the Dead, or Return of the Living Dead, the zombie is essentially the villain. It is the bad guy, the one you need to watch out for. In the Walking Dead, the zombies are just a pest, like wolves, the humans become villains. Have we become so much deeper that we can get through such an event? Would society really crumble? Could this really happen? And in my opinion, what makes The Walking Dead so deep into today’s culture, how would I do? Who would my friends be? WOULD I SURVIVE? Over the course of this paper, I have refined my thesis down to a sort of simple thesis. How the idea of the living dead influenced the big 3 monsters (Frankenstein, Dracula The Mummy), and how these very primal fears have lasted for hundreds of years and permeated society even today. This paper opened my eyes to the fact that zombies are everywhere. From books, to comics, movies, music videogames. Why do we like zombies so much, why now? What is going on in the world that made us love the Walking Dead? Why do we run obstacle courses where we get physically injured by â€Å"zombies. † We miss our pets or our grandmother, just because we want them back doesn’t mean they should come back. If I had to sew my dogs tail back on every day because he is undead, it would probably break my heart more. Not to mention there is no way to stop the flesh from decomposing. Would granny be watching Judge Judy as her eyeballs fall out? Would it be cool to see Elvis, or Buddy Holly preform one more time? Yes, but we would be stuck with fat Elvis. Modern technology has borrowed something of Victor Frankenstein, at Coachella 2012 Snoop Dogg, started to preform a song with his long dead friend, Tupac Shakur. The lights went out and slowly Tupac rose from a platform on stage. This was not Tupac, but a High Definition Hologram of him animated to look and sound like he was preforming. This is how in the future, I will see Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash preform on stage. I can see Marlon Brando in a Streetcar Named Desire on Broadway, live. Will Hall of Presidents in Disneyworld get an upgrade where you can see Andrew Jackson and Bill Teddy Roosevelt’s inaugural address live? Is this zombies? It is dead people coming back to life and man, is it cool. But the idea of bringing loved ones back to life started the zombie fear or craze. Zombie: Originates Haitian Creole: zonbi; North Mbundu: nzumbe. Zombie is defined as an animated corpse resurrected by witchcraft, mystical means, or some other supernatural power. They are usually slow moving, not self-aware, and usually unintelligent. Zombies first officially appeared in 1929 in â€Å"the Magic Island† by William Seabrook. Personally I think the idea and the fear of zombies have been around for years before that. The idea of zombies has been around for a long time and are still a huge part in today’s pop culture. The first full length zombie movie came out in 1932 called White Zombie, since this movie came out there are countless zombie movies, books, TV shows, video games etc. I will mostly be focusing on the transition and comparison of zombie movies from White Zombie up to now, also how zombies are created differently through human creation, science, poison, radioactive accidents, disease, or witchcraft. In today’s society zombies are almost an obsession for some people, taking over all aspects of their lives. I am a victim to the zombie apocalypse that has taken over pop culture. I have been bitten. I mostly enjoy watching zombie movies and TV shows, I have not yet started to read the graphic novels or novels, I have played some zombie video games but I am not that fond of them. I have also thought about what I would do if a zombie apocalypse was to actually happen, who I would team up with, where I would go, my weapons of choice etc. There are people that have made safe houses, have bags full of supplies ready to go, weapons made, escape routes, and strategies on what do â€Å"when† the apocalypse happens. The classic horror gods took their cues from zombies. And that is just the beginning. White Zombie came out and did all sorts of things to zombie culture, although it is all but forgotten, except by college humanities professors. It still pushes the notion the the idea of zombies is wibbly wobbly. It changes from where you need it. There sort of a solid definition, but there is always room for interpretation. For me I believe that the original Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was part of the beginning of the zombie culture. The novel was first published in 1818, Shelley had started writing the novel when she was 18 and was published when she was 21. It was about scientist, Victor Frankenstein and how he created a monster through a science experiment. Victor feels as if he is an almighty god by creating life from the dead. The monster that had no name was not like the zombies that we now know today. He was aware, smart like, and functional, and can even speak in a rudimentary from. He became almost human like, he had emotions, and he was sensitive. I believe that Shelley’s novel was the real start of zombie pop culture, and gave about ideas and influenced many people into creating zombie work. Frankenstein’s monster as modern society forgets to call it, learns and tries to become human again. His brain is not making the right connections, nor does he know where he is, or what he is doing. The God complex always causes harm, people thinking they can act as a god in other words. It makes great movies and even better philosophical debates. It causes for great events of drama and action. Frankenstein as the first mainstream zombie coming about in 1818 scared people in a way that we today in 2013 cannot imagine being that scared from a book. Frankenstein as a monster using the god complex made its way through the years forever. It lasted until 1994, when John Hammond made dinosaurs walk in Jurassic Park. Was the T-Rex really a villain or was it just living his instincts. Was Frankenstein’s monster just scared and running to try and get help? Was he really a monster? Frankenstein’s monster was never a monster. He was scared and lost. He was looking for help but was just caught like a bull in a china shop. He couldn’t control his hands. The monster was a zombie before we knew what a zombie was. He is and was a reanimated corpse. Society the Film Portrays EssayThis brought the first time that the zombies were decomposing and falling apart and flesh eating monsters in recent history. Also in 2002, Robert Kirkman released book one of the Walking Dead graphic novel. As a man ahead of his time, Max Brooks wrote and published the Zombie Survival guide in early 2003. Brooks has released many Zombie books, that are very good, and very useful. The most notable is World War Z, (published in 2006) which Brad Pitt will star in the film adaptation. The book centers around an unnamed journalist who is traveling across the world writing down the human aspect of the story. It is written through fictitious interviews and â€Å"first hand accounts† The book is heartbreaking at points but also deeply human. Brooks’s zombies are faster and stronger, at one point they are running in sort of a herd, Brooks also has his zombies travel across the globe by walking underwater and sinking ships, they are able to climb and overthrow castles and massive blockades put to them. In 2003 Zack Snyder director of 300, and The Watchmen directed a remake of George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. Snyder’s zombies were not clumsy or slow. They were fast and mostly human figured, without decomposition, It was a fitting remake to make the zombies badder and scarier. Simon Pegg’s classic zomedy, Shawn of the Dead, took the zombie apocalypse to the U. K. where all he wants is to go to his bar and save his girl. One of the funniest movies I have seen, these zombies were not scary, and the type of zombie depends on how they are best used for comedic values. Zombieland really pushed the zomedy genere to a whole new level, with Bill Murray’s perfect zombie preformance he showed how simple make up can make a human live in a zombie world. This doesntfit any word of zombies reaction, even if you look like a rotting corpse doesnt mean you smell like a rotting corpse. Zombies would and usually do know where you are based on smell. The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman’s epic black and white zombie graphic novel infected thousands in 2003. By 2010 it was picked up by AMC to bolster its amazing network line-up. The graphic novels and show depict a yeah the zombies are out there, how are we going to live now scenario, focusing much more on people, not necessarily the walkers. Fun fact, the word Zombie is never used in the show) The books focus on Deputy Rick Grimes, who wakes up from a coma in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. He sets out to find his wife and child and assumes the role of leader of the huge group. A major diffrence in the show and book from almost any zombie literature that i have seen is that the diesease is imbedded in the humans. When you die, you wake back up. This poses a personal issue for say givi ng childbirth, if you die in labor, your son has to shoot you in the head to make sure you dont wake back up and eat your baby. This could mess a kid up, as seen with Rick’s son Carl in The Walking Dead. Carl has issues because of this. He shot a young boy at point blank at the end of the third season, not to mention his dad’s best friend as a zombie. The man who raised him. Almost all of the movies I have seen, have just really ended. The Walking Dead pulls you into this world, where the zombies are pests, and keeps living in that world. It hasn’t been done this deep. The emotions of people, raising children, getiing communities back together, what happens next. This is what the Walking Dead is showing us. That yes there are heroes who do heroic, selfless things, but they still don’t know if the baby your wife gave birth to is yours, or answer the phone to dead people. Rick is the epitiome of a hero, because we see his flaws, his pain, his regret. That is why people love the walking dead so much, not the flesh eating monster zombies, but the times Rick goes and does stuff and things in the woods. When we see Ricks human side. The walkers in the walking dead can only be killed by taking out the cerebral cortex, the brain. The governor, kept zombie heads in his back room, and they were still biting. The zombies are slow and lumbering, can trip on each other or have their legs ripped off and keep going. The Walking dead has inspired a cultural phenomenon. From the graphic novels, to the show there have been two separate Walking Dead video games ( one inspired from the comics and one creating the backstory of the Dixon brothers, who are not in the graphic novels) The Walking Dead has inspired a whole new brand of TV. The Talking Dead, a talk show on after The Walking Dead, features insights into the show and interviews with celebrity nerds and cast members of the show. The Talking Dead with use of Twitter, Facebook and other social networking has allowed humans in real time to ask great questions that you can answer anywhere else. The Walking Dead has inspired many simpler games on Facebook and a Dead-Yourself app where users can put zombie effects on to their pictures. The Walking Dead has inspired a massive haunted house at last year Universal Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studios Florida. The designers builds sets from the show so that guests attending the event would see and feel from Rick’s perspective the fear of Atlanta where the Walking dead is set. The haunted house garnered critical reviews, saying it was one of the best ever and the events had massive attendance based on The Walking Dead. The Zombie phenomenon, has inspired real people to get real serious about what they would do if/when the zombies come. Personally, i have thought about a plan but have not purchased supplies or really practiced anything. There are people who have built bunkers, saved food and trained their families with guns and first ain in the event of an apocalypse.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Tips to Help You Look for Scholarships this Summer

Summer after junior year in high school is a great time for you to start looking and applying for scholarships. Why? Youll get more for your efforts. Its not something most applicants are aware of until they start applying, but finding and applying to scholarships is very similar to the process of applying to college. And you’re supposed to do this at the same time that youre trying to get your college applications done. While you’re still doing college research and haven’t started writing essays yet, it’s helpful to put some of your time toward scholarship applications. Many scholarships will require an essay or at least a short paragraph answering a specific prompt. These can help you brainstorm essay topics for your personal statement and supplemental essays that you’ll need to write later on, so it’s good to get some practice early on in the summer and consolidate your ideas. To get you started, here are 5 tips that can help you find the scholarships you need: 1. Talk to Your Parents Assess Your Financial Need Before you start applying for scholarships, it’s important to first understand how much scholarship money you need. While it’s never really hurts to get as much scholarship money as you can, you also don’t want to spend too much of your time on it when you’ve already hit your goal. Talk to your parents and assess your financial need. Be realistic about where you’re applying and how that cost will vary. If you’re applying in-state, the tuition is going to be much less than if you applied out-of-state or to a private university. If you are looking to apply a range of schools, then this will help you have a framework of how much you should get in external scholarships. 2. Meet with your Counselor Talk to your counselor about your financial needs and inquire about scholarships you might qualify for. Counselors will be the best resource for you when it comes to local scholarships that aren’t as well known. They will also more likely be specific to you. In addition, you can also inquire about any merit-based scholarships that you might qualify for. Some do not require a counselor’s nomination, while some do, so be sure to ask and at least get on your counselor’s radar! 3. Look at Your Extracurricular Resume You’ll be surprised by the type of scholarships that are out there. There’s the Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship, which is offered to students who promote vegetarianism at their school, or Clowns of America International Scholarship, which is offered to students who are part of programs that are centered around family entertainment educational programs. Whatever student organization you’re apart of, you should do research to see if any scholarships are offered for students who have been involved. Additionally, you can also look up scholarships related to your ethnicity, heritage, religion, and home country. There are also a lot of organizations that support American students who come from different cultural backgrounds, so don’t miss out on those either! 4. Be Organized Much like college applications, scholarships can be a lot to handle simply because of the volume of scholarships. Whether it’s a spreadsheet or document, keep a record of the scholarships you have already applied to and the ones you want to apply to. Write down the scholarship deadline and the date you submitted the scholarships. This way you can always follow up with the organization after the scholarship deadline has passed to see if the results have been announced. It might also be wise create a separate email account, specifically for scholarships. You’ll get a lot of confirmation and follow up emails, and you may not want that to be mixed in with the other emails you have. Just remember to check it once in awhile! 5. Take Advantage of Scholarship Resources Apart from your counselor, there are a lot of scholarship online resources. There are scholarship search engines you can utilize:, Unigo, FastWeb, Scholarship Owl, and Scholly. You will be able to filter based on your demographics and search by keywords as well. Now that you’re through these tips, it’s time for you to start searching for those scholarships! Need some more scholarship advice? Check out our blog for more advice about applying to scholarships from our s. Need profile access? Ourpremium plansoffer different levels of profile access and data insights that can help you with your application process. Unlock any of ourpackagesor search ourundergraduate profile databaseto find specific profiles that can help you make an informed choice about where to apply!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Hacking

Computer Hacking Hacking, although known mostly for it ¡Ã‚ ¦s negative effects has also been a major help in our advancements in the computer industry. In order to understand why there are hackers you must first understand why they are needed. There are negative, as well as positive effects of hacking. In this day and age when the word hacker is spoken it is met with stereotypical bias, maybe even compared with an infectious disease but what most people don ¡Ã‚ ¦t understand is that hackers in most cases are needed and have provided us with technological advancements that we use in our everyday lives. Hackers also cost our country over half a billion dollars every year in computer fraud and theft. There doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t seem to be much protection against them and their effects are undeniable. Hacking is something we can live with and without, the only thing you can do is understand what and where it is and choose whether to compliment or fight it ¡Ã‚ ¦s success. The recent increase in Computer crime could very well be a result of the continuing rise in modern day computer dependency. As the world continues to introduce newer forms of computerized advancements greater or at least basic knowledge of computers has become a necessity. Now on the other hand there are those that delve headfirst into the art of conquering the computer hemisphere. Computer Crimes challenges the very premise of trustworthiness, and Computer criminals are members of a disorganized army of volunteer systems analysts who inadvertently demonstrate the vulnerabilities of our computer systems (BloomBecker 7). One of the first groups to be caught for hacking were the Milwaukee-based 414s, who were accused of 60 computer break-ins ranging from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Some time later AT&T long-distance service crashed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which resulted in law enforcement launching a national crackdown on hackers (S t Pet... Free Essays on Hacking Free Essays on Hacking Computer Hacking Hacking, although known mostly for it ¡Ã‚ ¦s negative effects has also been a major help in our advancements in the computer industry. In order to understand why there are hackers you must first understand why they are needed. There are negative, as well as positive effects of hacking. In this day and age when the word hacker is spoken it is met with stereotypical bias, maybe even compared with an infectious disease but what most people don ¡Ã‚ ¦t understand is that hackers in most cases are needed and have provided us with technological advancements that we use in our everyday lives. Hackers also cost our country over half a billion dollars every year in computer fraud and theft. There doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t seem to be much protection against them and their effects are undeniable. Hacking is something we can live with and without, the only thing you can do is understand what and where it is and choose whether to compliment or fight it ¡Ã‚ ¦s success. The recent increase in Computer crime could very well be a result of the continuing rise in modern day computer dependency. As the world continues to introduce newer forms of computerized advancements greater or at least basic knowledge of computers has become a necessity. Now on the other hand there are those that delve headfirst into the art of conquering the computer hemisphere. Computer Crimes challenges the very premise of trustworthiness, and Computer criminals are members of a disorganized army of volunteer systems analysts who inadvertently demonstrate the vulnerabilities of our computer systems (BloomBecker 7). One of the first groups to be caught for hacking were the Milwaukee-based 414s, who were accused of 60 computer break-ins ranging from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Some time later AT&T long-distance service crashed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which resulted in law enforcement launching a national crackdown on hackers (S t Pet... Free Essays on Hacking â€Å"Governments form the industrial world; I come from cyberspace, the new home of mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome here. You have no sovereignty where we gather. You do not know us, nor do you know our world. Cyberspace does not lie within your borders, your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement and context do not obey to us. They are all base on matter and there is no matter here.† John Perry Barlow - Electronic Frontier Foundation Cyberspace Declaration of Independence Hackers, Good and Evil A war is being fought in the Internet twenty-four hours a day. A team of defenders spread throughout the world, are ready to stop and neutralize every attack. It is the Global Thread Operation Center where all attacks are being monitored; any of which could be the signal for a stronger hit that could generate absolute chaos. The room looks like a set from a futuristic movie. Four huge screens in the front of the room display the process data that is taking place. Several rows of desks and panels fill the room. More than twenty people are moving around, answering and making phone calls, talking to each other, and examining computer screens. They are ready, and waiting. Suddenly, everyone’s attention is focused on a specific screen, where a problem has been detected. One of the major highways of Internet traffic has slowed down considerably due to an assumed hacker assault. What is scary about this attack is that it seems to be moving through the time zones towards the Americas, most likely the United States. So far, it has in some way affected every major network attached to one of the pipelines. If the attack effectively reaches the U.S., it could negatively affect hundreds of companies, businesses, the stock market and millions of people; this would cause a devastating strike on the infrastructure of the Internet itself. The head leader of the team makes...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Signal Role in Mission Command Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Signal Role in Mission Command - Research Paper Example Troops must be connected regularly to satellite-based communication. This means for effective command and control, force deployment can only take place in the face proper information communication technologies developing in the world. The main responsibility of the Signal Regiment is to ensure that the Army is successfully transformed into an information-technology period and new communication tools are being properly utilized. According to Rutt and Jette (2003), the increasing need for joint-service operations underscores the requirement for using common audio, imagery and data signals and networks for all warfighters. The objective is a flawless global system where signals can be transferred between users safely and easily in a way understandable to the user (McGrath, 2006). The main aim of communications technology tools is to guarantee the commander and personnel continuous safe communications during operation and on the front lines. To achieve this, the establishment of battle l abs for emerging combat developments has made significant leaps on this front, especially in most developed countries such as the United States. Technology is known to change faster in communications and computerization than new innovation. In light of this, emerging technologies tend to be focused more on the personnel such as swift prototyping and trials by soldiers in a practical way. Satellite-based Communication A satellite-based signal transmission system for combat trucks is currently under evaluation. Lighter, petite, mobile and more effective systems are the impression for future battleground communications. Currently the trials are ongoing on Mounted Battle Command on-the-move systems powered by satellite communications that will offer broadband signals and communications to a commander on the battlefield (Bullock, &Marshall, 2011). The technology will use lighter, undersized, and less costly tracks with technologies mounted on it to improve communications for battle comma nds on the move. Nonetheless, the development of gadgets that will practically work in adverse combat environment is still a challenge to the manufacturers. Future signal transmissions will witness the placement of small satellite receivers on military trucks, especially those that are meant for command and control operations on the battlefields (McGrath, 2006). The main aim of these operations is to connect a large number of these trucks using satellites, so that the army can operate anywhere across the world with relative ease. Currently, physical barriers are an issue on the battlegrounds, and as result commanders are forced to move closer to the frontline for effective communication (Rutt, & Jette, 2003). However, in future, commanders will have the capacity to establish several communication channels between them, and the lower-level personnel anywhere in the combat zones. Expanded communications reach Recent experiences in the war on terrorism have emphasized the need to align battlefield movements with quick and easier communication (Tyler, 2008). Future communications will therefore have further geographical reach compared to the scope of current communications. The currently limited reach of communications poses a bigger problem to command and control between forward deployed units and those that are in the rear (Bullock, &Marshall, 2011). Current technological weaknesses also impede proper communications with troops

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Question of Corporate Law Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Question of Corporate Law - Literature review Example To de Tocqueville, that is a burden of democracy. Limitless influence is dangerous because utter control is the origin of oppression. If people are mistreated, the only place to turn is the majority.    MacDougall v Gardiner clarified the principles of majority rule. If the grievance of a minority is about something to which the majority of the company has the privilege or has done unevenly a meeting may be called, and the majority ultimately gets what it wants. Over the years, the principle of majority rule has become more inclusive, however. We recount some of the more representative policies to make our assessment of the historic nature of the question at hand. A place to start is the generally accepted structure of corporate membership. Members of a corporation have rights against each other and against the business as outlined the company's charter.3 As such minority shareholders usually accept they cannot command the overall control of the organization and must accept the will of the majority rule. Majority rule can be wicked especially when there is a single controlling shareholder. Many exceptions have developed relative to the broad standard of majority rule. Here are some of the more common: Where the majority votes to carry out deception against the minority, judges may allow the minority to sue. Everyone maintains the right to file suit if the majority invades personal rights or, for example, where the company's dealings are not in accordance with the company's foundation. It is possible for minority shareholders to secede in the name of the business when the company is controlled by the supposed wrongdoers.4 In these matters of rights and ethics, the court is supposed to favor the minority. Court involvement in corporate voting has been minimized over the years though. Corporate law has focused on progressive minority protection and shareholders action, but a majority cannot force a dissentient minority to do that which is not allowed by the charter.5 It must allow the minority to express their opinions on the matter of the meeting, but the minority cannot irrationally hinder the resolution of the popular vote by filibuster, for example.6 The minority has no right against the majority with respect to actions of which they do not support if the majority is allowed to do them.   This standard applies where something has been done irregularly which the majority is at liberty to do regularly.8 Nevertheless, the minority may still sue when the majority is abusing power and depriving the minority their rights.9 Again, the court favors the majority while bolstering minority power when there is an ethical question.   

Monday, November 18, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8

Case Study Example Thus, the manager could fine tune to increase the morale of such employees. In other situations, employees could be far below the set target for the organization but manager’s fine tunes their performance to keep them motivated. In other situations, employee’s performance might be fine-tuned downwards. Some of such instances include situations where an employee is never taking the work seriously or in other situations where managers are in need of laying down the employee once a replacement emerges. However, tom, the youngest of the four managers still insist on the accuracy of performance review. He indicates that it would be better if a manager gives the employees the accurate performance appraisals and then improve from there. The perspectives given by the managers were all quite interesting. I agree that performance appraisal is an important aspect of an organization. In addition, I agree that fine tuning is also important in an organization. This is considering that there are moments when an employee may be in their down moments that it might reflect on their work. In addition, an employee could have a bad performance at the beginning of the year but start to mark progress. Moreover, there are situations where fine tuning is important to get rid of a nagging employee or in need of firing an employee once another candidate emerges. The reason is that positive performance appraisal could be problematic when a manager fires an employee. However, I maintain that fine tuning is just distortion given a much better term. Giving an employee a better performance than they deserve is wrong. The reason is that some employees could take it as a habit since they are aware that their managers will give them a positiv e appraisal. Thus, accuracy is the most important aspect. In my opinion, fine tuning is distortion. However, may be some acceptable points of fine tuning as a far as it

Friday, November 15, 2019

Thought Paper

Thought Paper The purpose of this thought paper is to synthesize theoretical discussions and provide critical analysis of selected reading assignments of the preceding weeks. The paper will specifically provide the authors reading and understanding of Stephanie Coontzs publication of the way we never were, Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever publication of Woman dont Ask, and Deborah Tannens work on the power of talk: who gets heard and why. The paper will also provide a synopsis of the movie â€Å"North Country†, and provide the writers personal assessment of the movie. The way we never were In Stephanie Coontzs publication of the way we never were, she outlined several stereotypes about American families. She counter acted perceptions of the past and provided different conceptions of the changes in the structures of American families overtime. She provided an examination of family life in American from 1900 to 1990 in which she dispelled the perceptions of the past which have predisposed the present state of affairs of American families. In chapter one, three, and seven of her publication of the way we never were, Coontz provided elaborate arguments which she termed as myths of the 1950s that tend to perpetuate the perception of how American families ought to be. Coontz in chapter one defined the crisis within American families which emanate from the perception that American families craves for the family value system of the early and middle 1900s. She argued that people are of the opinion problems in American families in present days emanates from the active determination and participation of women in changing the family structure. She continued to state that some believe families are in crisis as women work outside home at the cost of their families and children, thus putting the relationship and marriage in jeopardy. She further revealed that people reminiscing family values of the 1950s argued that the rate of domestic violence was lower than what it is today due to past traditional family values. She furthered, many are of the opinion that â€Å"parents spend less time with their children today than in 1965† (Coontz, 1992, p. 20). In addition, she continued that many believe the rise in teenage pregnancy and abortion rate has been attributed to the gender equality and role reversal in families overtime. In countering the perceptions of American families of the past, Coontz argued that families in America have been dominated by male for centuries. She maintained men were considered breadwinners, while the role of women was limited to the home (Coontz, 1992, p. 10). She asserted there was a notion that only men had the aptitude to handle the burden of the family by providing bacon and direction to the family, while women stay home and manage the affairs of the home and children. Coontz further argued that the perception about America 1950s are fallacies and â€Å"false optimisms about renewing family values† Carlson and Edgar (2010). She claimed the perceptions of American families of the 1950s are delusional in that people illusion themselves about the irreversible transformation family trend has taken. She disagreed with those harboring the misconception that if American families only recommitted themselves to marriage and children, American families could circumvent all of t he new impasses posed by the revolution in gender and economic role of the family. Women Dont Ask In Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever publication of women doesnt ask they provided empirical evidence to establish why women lack the aptitude to ask for what they want. Before establishing the hypothesis for why women dont ask, Linda observed a disparity among her male and female students in asking for whatever they needed. Linda â€Å"realized that her male graduate students asked for all sorts of things—travel money to go to conferences, exemptions from course requirements, opportunities to teach courses of their own—that the female students rarely asked for† (Babcock and Laschever, 2010). In Lindas quest to investigate why her female students didnt ask and her male students were more proactive in asking for what they wanted, she embarked upon a collaborative research project with Sara Laschever who surveyed 100 participants, both men and women from around the U.S. At the close of their research, Linda and Sara discovered their studies produced similar findings. Linda and Sara respective studies gathered that â€Å"women are much less likely than men to ask for what they want and to use negotiation as a tool to promote their own ambitions or desires, and men use negotiation to get ahead and get what they want between two and nine times as often as women do† (Babcock and Laschever, 2010). In their research, Linda and Sara outlined salient statistical findings. Considering selected results from their findings, Linda and Sara disclosed that â€Å"women dont like to negotiate† (Babcock and Laschever, 2010). They argued that 2.5 times more women than men said they feel a great deal of apprehension about negotiating, men initiate negotiations about four times as often as women, and 20% of adult women (22 million people) say they never negotiate at all, even though they often recognize negotiation as appropriate and even necessary. They further argued that â€Å"women have lower expectations and lack knowledge of their worth† (Babcock and Laschever, 2010). They claimed women are often not aware of their market value, as they report salary expectations between 3% and 32% lower than those of men for the same jobs. They also claimed in their findings that men expect to earn 13% more than women during their first year of full-time work and 32% more at their career peaks. In providing an explanation to the causes emanating from why women dont ask, Linda and Sara attributes their work to the wealth of psychological research that explains the diverse ways in which boys and girls interact. They argued by the kinds of toys that are considered boys and girls, the diverse types of chores typically assigned to girls and boys, and the un similar types of games that adults guide them toward playing, they can â€Å"show what these chores and toys teach girls about their appropriate role in society and what the games they play teach them about compliance versus independence† (Babcock and Laschever, 2010). They also claimed from their research, â€Å"society has a strong expectation that women will abide by their assigned roles and reacts very negatively when they dont† (Babcock and Laschever, 2010). Linda and Sara further argued behaviors exhibited by men that portrays them as a straight shooter or a no-nonsense guy can lead a woman to be seen as t oo â€Å"pushy and aggressive† (Babcock and Laschever, 2010). The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why In this segment of this thought paper, a review of Deborah Tannens publication entitled The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why was made. In her publication, she outlined several points affecting gender behaviors and role in the corporate world. In her work, she mentioned her effort in researching the power of linguistic style on human conversation and relationships. In her quest, she claimed to have extended her research to the workplace where she discovered that our â€Å"ways of speaking learned in childhood affect judgments of competence and confidence, as well as who gets heard, who gets credit, and what gets done† (Tannen, 1995, p. 323). She categorized linguistic styles into two cardinal factors: language communicates ideas which she claimed we all are familiar with and language also negotiate relationships which she claimed is mostly invisible, but plays an important role in communication. From the ideology of language also negotiates communications, Tannen asserts that during the early stages of live when a child plays he/she learn certain rituals that enhances their communicating and negotiating skills. She differentiates by stating â€Å"girls tend to learn conversational rituals that focus on the rapport dimension of relationships whereas boys tend to learn rituals that focus on the status dimension† (Tannen, 1995, p. 325). She argues it is those tendencies that boys and girls learn from childhood plays and interactions that we bring into our adult and professional lives. She continued by giving examples of how men and women use languages and how the use of those languages affects the way we hear one another with different interpretations. She gives an example by stating men and women use different pronouns to personify themselves. She claimed men uses the pronoun â€Å"I† and women are inclined to drift towards the pronoun â€Å"we†. She furth er continued her conversational rituals by arguing women tend to downplay their certainty in situations, whereas men in similar situations will avow his lack of accountability in case of fault, or claim accomplishments in situation where there is success. Tannen also provided several arguments on women and self confidence. She argued that unlike men, women lack self-confidence. They tend to avoid face-losing, not making known their opposition, and avoids asking questions. Tannen further argued that women do not attempt to be heard. They fail to be direct in telling subordinates what is expected of them and fail to draw attention to their ideas and accomplishments. She asserted that women prefer not to ask for what they need and deserve, rather they wait for someone to notice their needs. In closing arguments on the variances between men and women linguistic styles, Tannen provides some solutions in closing the communication gap between the genders and levels of communications. Even though she acknowledges there is no one best way, Tannen however declared that instead of managers using one mode of communication (meetings), managers must be â€Å"aware of the workings and power of linguistic styles, to make sure that people with something valuable to contribute get heard† (Tannen, 1995, p. 336). North Country In week five of the first phase of this course (CNR 630) a dramatized video entitled â€Å"North Country was viewed. The film is an emotionally charged Hollywood drama performed by Charlize Theron in which she starred as Josey Aimes. Synopsis of the Movie The movie is about a single mother who separated from her abusive husband and moved back to her hometown of Minnesota. In her quest to sustain herself and two kids Josey ventured into acquiring a job at a local mine to the displeasure of her father and male coworkers. Josey came to realize her male coworkers did not appreciate their jobs being occupied by women, and the men would do anything to keep them away. Stereotypically, the men felt that mining was a mans job and the women rather stay at home to perform domestic work, but Josey contended all she needed was to make her own money, feed her kids, and work like everyone else. However, after suffering numerous harassments and humiliations Josey decides to form partnership with the other women at the mine to expose the indignities minted out against the women. In frustration from the lack of cooperation from her family and female coworkers due to fear of reprisal or possible termination, Josey sought to singlehandedly pursue a class action suit against the mining company which even subjected her to more humiliating moments, as her past life involving a rape incident was unearthed. Assessment of North Country After viewing the film â€Å"North Country†, it was compelling to develop a personal opinion of the movie. One thing that came to my mind is the fascinating way in which Hollywood stars sought to depict social ills within our society, most especially the purported sexual harassment case at Eveleth Mines. Irrespective of timeline or how people felt about sexual harassment back in the days and now, I ‘m of the opinion that the movie had several short comings, despite its attempts to dramatize a class action suite saturated with gender intricacies. In identifying some of the shortcomings of the movie, it is important to draw on the perception driven by the movie that all the men at the mine were villains, and the women were victims of heinous indignities committed by their male coworkers. The movie duration of 126 minutes cannot in anyway depict the full length of what actually transpired at the mine. Despite claims of the film being inspired by a true story, it is feasible to argue that the actual length of the movie (126 minutes) of manufactured dramatization was presumably characterized by exaggeration, omission of facts, or choosing of selected events for commercialization by the film producer and actors. The film leaves one to wonder if the true intent of Josey taking the mining company to task was to champion the cause of bridging the gender divide, making sure the indignities perpetrated against the women at the mine was ceased, or if her antipathies with the mine operations were intended to dish out financial reparation . Despite all of the intricacies and skepticisms surrounding the movie, it is worth noting the importance of being sensitive to those issues that tend to raise eyebrows along gender lines. In particular, sexual harassment has sprung out to be one of the serious workplace issues that have led to many organizations formulating and instituting policies to guide the conduct of people in the workplace. However, a mere presence of a sexual harassment policy does not mean that a workplace will automatically be free of all potential sexual violations. Hence, whatever an employers responsibility may be cannot close its eyes when confronted with incidents of sexual harassment, like depicted in the movie North Country. Employers have the obligation to determine the scope of the problem and take necessary steps to curtail or alleviate it. After providing a review and synopsis of the gender issues contributed by Coontz, Babcock and Laschever, Tannen, and Theron, it is compelling to conclude that whatever the circumstances, the issues outlined by the authors on gender roles, behaviors, perceptions, and indignities will continued to be thought provoking in the quest for gender equality, economic empowerment, and tolerance. References Babcock, L. Laschever, S. (2010). Women Dont Ask- Negotiation and the gender Divide-Interesting Statistics. Retrieved from online on February 23, 2010- Babcock, L. Laschever, S. (2010). Women Dont Ask- Negotiation and the gender Divide- A Conversation with Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever. Retrieved from online on February 23, 2010- Carlson, J., Englar, A. J. (2010). A Conversation with Stephanie Coontz. The Family Journal. Retrieved from the UNCG database on February 23, 2010- Tannen, D. (1995). The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why. Individual Differences: Negotiation- Reading, Exercises, and Cases 323-336). Retrieved from the UNCG e-Reserve database on February 22, 2010-

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tibet Essay examples -- China Government Papers

Tibet The history of Tibet during the half century of occupation has been a complicated one. Everything, from the reasons provided by China for invading Tibet to the apparent lack of international support for the Tibetan people during much of the harsh Chinese occupation, has made preserving a cultural and national Tibetan identity a difficult process for the Tibetan people. Tibet received so little help for so long because of an effective propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Chinese government, as well as a blind eye turned towards Tibet by influential nations of the world that at the time were trying to forge good trading relationships with China, as in the case of the US and protecting previously established interests, in the case of Britain. The recovery of Tibet therefore cannot be attributed to â€Å"compassionate† governments such as the US or Britain, but rather to vast coalitions of NGOs, networks of Tibetans in exile, the tireless efforts of the Dalai and Panchen Lam as, armed rebel groups with aspirations of freedom, devote Buddhist nuns within Tibet leading demonstrations, and more recently: concerned governments. Each of the above mentioned has made an impact on how the world feels it can help Tibet, whether help for Tibet is simply supporting its interim government or harshly reprimanding the Chinese government for its actions. Propaganda Hampering Foreign Aid To better understand why there was little international outcry during the invasion of Tibet, one can refer to an article titled â€Å"The Revolution in Tibet and Nehru’s Philosophy.† By better understanding the policies of Nehru and the contradictory stances on Tibet by the Indian government, one is able to understand why no clear messages for help were he... ...protest, foreign intervention, or conflict will ever restore Tibet to its pre-1949 state. Due to the importation of Chinese settlers, a generation of Chinese call Tibet their home. Most people have come to realize that after fifty years of no progress toward an autonomous Tibet, freedom from China is extremely unlikely. The Tibetan state can be considered dead, but the Tibetan culture and nationality are still vibrant. Instead of giving up the fight, Tibetans and NGOs need to step up efforts to pressure the Chinese to give Tibetans within Tibet their nationality and culture back. The Chinese government hears the international protest against their actions and every new voice that joins the fight. The pressure against China will eventually reach a critical point where the Tibetans will be able to realize their freedom to a culture and national identity. Tibet Essay examples -- China Government Papers Tibet The history of Tibet during the half century of occupation has been a complicated one. Everything, from the reasons provided by China for invading Tibet to the apparent lack of international support for the Tibetan people during much of the harsh Chinese occupation, has made preserving a cultural and national Tibetan identity a difficult process for the Tibetan people. Tibet received so little help for so long because of an effective propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Chinese government, as well as a blind eye turned towards Tibet by influential nations of the world that at the time were trying to forge good trading relationships with China, as in the case of the US and protecting previously established interests, in the case of Britain. The recovery of Tibet therefore cannot be attributed to â€Å"compassionate† governments such as the US or Britain, but rather to vast coalitions of NGOs, networks of Tibetans in exile, the tireless efforts of the Dalai and Panchen Lam as, armed rebel groups with aspirations of freedom, devote Buddhist nuns within Tibet leading demonstrations, and more recently: concerned governments. Each of the above mentioned has made an impact on how the world feels it can help Tibet, whether help for Tibet is simply supporting its interim government or harshly reprimanding the Chinese government for its actions. Propaganda Hampering Foreign Aid To better understand why there was little international outcry during the invasion of Tibet, one can refer to an article titled â€Å"The Revolution in Tibet and Nehru’s Philosophy.† By better understanding the policies of Nehru and the contradictory stances on Tibet by the Indian government, one is able to understand why no clear messages for help were he... ...protest, foreign intervention, or conflict will ever restore Tibet to its pre-1949 state. Due to the importation of Chinese settlers, a generation of Chinese call Tibet their home. Most people have come to realize that after fifty years of no progress toward an autonomous Tibet, freedom from China is extremely unlikely. The Tibetan state can be considered dead, but the Tibetan culture and nationality are still vibrant. Instead of giving up the fight, Tibetans and NGOs need to step up efforts to pressure the Chinese to give Tibetans within Tibet their nationality and culture back. The Chinese government hears the international protest against their actions and every new voice that joins the fight. The pressure against China will eventually reach a critical point where the Tibetans will be able to realize their freedom to a culture and national identity. Tibet Essay examples -- China Government Papers Tibet The history of Tibet during the half century of occupation has been a complicated one. Everything, from the reasons provided by China for invading Tibet to the apparent lack of international support for the Tibetan people during much of the harsh Chinese occupation, has made preserving a cultural and national Tibetan identity a difficult process for the Tibetan people. Tibet received so little help for so long because of an effective propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Chinese government, as well as a blind eye turned towards Tibet by influential nations of the world that at the time were trying to forge good trading relationships with China, as in the case of the US and protecting previously established interests, in the case of Britain. The recovery of Tibet therefore cannot be attributed to â€Å"compassionate† governments such as the US or Britain, but rather to vast coalitions of NGOs, networks of Tibetans in exile, the tireless efforts of the Dalai and Panchen Lam as, armed rebel groups with aspirations of freedom, devote Buddhist nuns within Tibet leading demonstrations, and more recently: concerned governments. Each of the above mentioned has made an impact on how the world feels it can help Tibet, whether help for Tibet is simply supporting its interim government or harshly reprimanding the Chinese government for its actions. Propaganda Hampering Foreign Aid To better understand why there was little international outcry during the invasion of Tibet, one can refer to an article titled â€Å"The Revolution in Tibet and Nehru’s Philosophy.† By better understanding the policies of Nehru and the contradictory stances on Tibet by the Indian government, one is able to understand why no clear messages for help were he... ...protest, foreign intervention, or conflict will ever restore Tibet to its pre-1949 state. Due to the importation of Chinese settlers, a generation of Chinese call Tibet their home. Most people have come to realize that after fifty years of no progress toward an autonomous Tibet, freedom from China is extremely unlikely. The Tibetan state can be considered dead, but the Tibetan culture and nationality are still vibrant. Instead of giving up the fight, Tibetans and NGOs need to step up efforts to pressure the Chinese to give Tibetans within Tibet their nationality and culture back. The Chinese government hears the international protest against their actions and every new voice that joins the fight. The pressure against China will eventually reach a critical point where the Tibetans will be able to realize their freedom to a culture and national identity.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Annual day function

Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with a deity, an object of worship, or a spiritual entity through deliberate communication. Prayer can be a form of religious practice, may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private. It may involve the use of words or song. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, incantation, formal creed, or a spontaneous utterance in the praying person. There are different forms of prayer such as petitionary prayer, prayers of supplication, thanksgiving, and worship/praise.Prayer may be directed towards a deity, spirit, deceased person, or lofty idea, for the purpose of worshipping, requesting guidance, requesting assistance, confessing sins or to express one's thoughts and emotions. Thus, people pray for many reasons such as personal benefit or for the sake of others. Yoga is also a common form of prayer. Most major religions involve prayer in one way or another. Some ritualize the act of prayer, requiring a strict sequence of actions or placing a restriction on who is permitted to pray, while others teach that prayer may be practiced spontaneously by anyone at any time.Scientific studies regarding the use of prayer have mostly concentrated on its effect on the healing of sick or injured Prayer has many different forms. Prayer may be done privately and individually, or it may be done corporately in the presence of fellow believers. Prayer can be incorporated into a daily â€Å"thought life†, in which one is in constant communication with a god. Some people pray throughout all that is happening during the day and seek guidance as the day progresses. This is actually regarded as a requirement in several Christian denominations, although enforcement is not possible nor desirable.There can be many different answers to prayer, just as there are many ways to interpret an answer to a question, if there in fact comes an answer. Some may experience audible, physical , or mental epiphanies. If indeed an answer comes, the time and place it comes is considered random. Some outward acts that sometimes accompany prayer are: anointing with oil; ringing a bell; burning incense or paper; lighting a candle or candles; facing a specific direction (i. e. towards Mecca   or the East); making the sign of the cross. One less noticeable act related to prayer is fasting.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Improvisation Et Caprice Presentation Essays

Improvisation Et Caprice Presentation Essays Improvisation Et Caprice Presentation Paper Improvisation Et Caprice Presentation Paper IMPROVISATION ET CAPRICE September 13, 2011 By Eugene Bozza Saxophone Studio Presentation Presented by Robby Avila â€Å"The good man is the only excellent musician, because he gives forth a perfect harmony not with a lyre or other instrument but with the whole of his life. † Plato Eugene Bozza (4 April 1905 – 28 September 1991) Eugene Bozza was a 20th century French musician and talented composer who wrote many important works for not only the saxophone, but for nearly every wind instrument. He was born in Nice on the 4th of April 1905. He studied the arts of composition, conducting, and playing the violin at the Paris Conservatoire. There, he won the Prix de Rome for his work La legend de Roukmani, a cantata based on an Indian legend. After completing his course of study in Paris, he moved to Valenciennes, where he would become the director of the Ecole Nacionale de Musique. There he would remain until his retirement in 1975. Although retired from his major teaching career, he was still an active composer until his death in Valenciennes on the 28th of September 1991. Very gifted in the art of music, he has proven himself to be a highly prolific composer with very important works for many instruments (See outline for a list of the pieces composed for saxophone alone). Although he primarily known for his solo and chamber works, he also composed five symphonies, operas, and ballets. Unfortunately, his larger works are rarely played outside of France. Improvisation et Caprice (1952) Written by Eugene Bozza in 1952, this piece is dedicated to the professor of saxophone at the Paris Conservatoire, Marcel Mule, a great French saxophonist and model for saxophone playing. The piece is a challenging work, pushing students with demands of musicality, technique, tone, and rhythm. Not uncommon amongst composers, Bozza often â€Å"plagiarized† from himself, borrowing ideas he had used in earlier works to aid in the composition of a newer one. The Improvisation portion of this piece is no different. It is lifted from the middle section of his Image Op. 32, a piece he had written for unaccompanied flute. Although different in the sense that it transposed down a minor third with an added fermata at the end, all other aspects remain the same. The Caprice portion, however, appears to be completely original in Bozza’s library of compositions. On a related note, the outside sections of his Image appear in another work for saxophone. This composition Piece Breve, another unaccompanied saxophone piece, uses the rest of his musical ideas from Images. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. † -Aldous Huxley Robby Avila (22 January 1988 – Present) Robby Avila is a Saxophone Performance Major at Kansas State University focusing on saxophone pedagogy, works for wind band, and jazz studies. He was born in Tulsa, OK on the 22nd of January 1988. Before coming to KState, he attended Campus High School in Wichita, KS, where he studied saxophone with Kim Whittemore, Brandon Morse, and Lisa Hittle. In Wichita, he was a member of the Wichita Wind Ensemble, The Kansas Music Ambassadors, and played with the Wichita State University Concert Band and Basketball Band. Upon graduating from high school, he came to Kansas State University and began study with Dr. Anna Marie Wytko. At K-State, he has been an active member in Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Saxophone Quartet, Jazz Band, Latin Jazz, Jazz Combos, Marching Band, and Cat Band. After completing his course of study, he hopes to continue on to graduate school to further his education and obtain a Master in Music and eventually complete doctorate work.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

After World War II Artistic Development essays

After World War II Artistic Development essays 1. Discuss political development in Great Britain. Political development in Great Britain has been stable, where two major political parties have Smoothly alternated in power and pursued policies of an underlying continuity. The Conservatives place a larger emphasis on the private sector in the economy, and the Labour Party has often been the winner during times of economic downturns, where they struggle to balance the budget and reassure creditors loans will not fall through. Up until the 80s at least, both parties shared in improving public services, especially education and transportation. Their big differences lay in to join or not to join the Common Market, to protect black immigrants or not, and whether to allow Scotland and Wales local representation. The biggest problem though was still the economy. Their industry just couldnt keep up with the other industrial nations, and inflation didnt help anything. After World War II, Britain faced problems with weak management, demanding labor unions, poor education, and high costs of welfare and defense - all of which did nothing but add to the countrys financial woes. This peak of recession in the 70s affected all the parties. The Labour Party bore the brunt of public reaction, because they were in power. The Conservatives, led by Margaret Thatcher, became more powerful and more open to free enterprise. The Labour Party became more divided among themselves, and more leftist. The Conservatives style of austere government wasnt always popular, but the war in the Falklands helped them gain popularity. However, a third party did spring up, the Social Democrats, and government still seemed to flounder on old divisions. 2. Discuss the May 1968 upheaval in France. The upheaval in France was rather surprising, considering the popularity and stability of the Fifth Republic. In the 1965 presidential elections, de Gaulle an...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing Campaign for a Business Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Marketing Campaign for a Business - Dissertation Example The company is also planning to form a strategy that is physical handing business card to the client which can offer several deals to the regular users of the cab service. Tools which the firm aims to use have been analyzed in terms of their effectiveness through research. After research of these techniques used, the report aims to analyze and identify the most efficient technique. This will then be compared to the strategy of the competitors. The competitors are in the business from a longer period so their marketing strategies are fiercer as compared to that of A2Z minicabs. The firm will have to form the strategies which can cover the marketing objectives of the firm. The offering which the firm gives to the drivers is unique. This increases the efficiency of the drivers. The company only takes 25% of the sales from the drivers for the rent. This benefits the drivers in the slow season and it benefits the company when the sales are high. This is why the firm wishes to increase the customer base of the company. Higher sales mean higher return and profitability for the company. The online tools which the firms will use for the marketing of the services are Google Ad Word, Google Ad Sense, Google Analytics and the Search Engine Optimizer (SEO). These tools will prove to be sufficient for the marketing practices online. These techniques will help in saving the cost and in generating business for the firm. The physical mode of marketing and offering of the business cards will also prove to be efficient. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 Company Description 5 Scope 5 Objectives 6 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN- USER STORY 6 RESEARCH 7 TECHNICAL & NON TECHNICAL RESEARCH 8 Secondary Data 8 Advantages of Secondary Data Analysis 8 Disadvantages of Secondary Data Analysis 9 COMPARE AND CONTRAST SIMILAR WEBSITES/ CAMPAIGNS 9 SWOT ANALYSIS 10 Strengths 10 The strength of A2Z mini cab is the availability of the resources and an efficient management which is increasing the outcome of the company. The major strengths of the company are: 10 Weaknesses 11 Opportunities 12 Threats 12 BUILDING THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN 13 Establishing the goals and objective 14 The objective of the company must be interlinked 14 Target market of the business must be defined 14 Value proposition and its consistency 14 Proper promotional tools 15 Measurement of the cost incurred 15 Integrated marketing 15 Internet marketing 16 TESTING OF THE MARKETING ACTIVITIES 17 Testing methods 19 COSTING- SUMMARY AND EVALUATION 20 GANTT CHART 21 MARKETING 22 Statistics Related To Online Marketing 22 Online Mode of Marketing 22 Google Ad Words 23 Google Ad Sense 23 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 23 Google Analytics 24 Physical Tools for Marketing 24 INTRODUCTION Company Description An A2Z Minicab is a small firm owned by Jason Devlin. It is located in Croydon which is situated in the South of London. The firm is facing fierce competition in the industry. This is a small scale business which only has 50 drivers. The business is steadily growing in terms of sales. The business is operating since the last three years. The firm plans to establish and grow by increasing the customer base. The workforce of the firm is smaller comparatively to other firms operating in the same business but the pay structure is unique. The cabs are offered to the drivers on the agreement of charging 25% of the daily sales. This relaxes the drivers because they only have to pay 25% of the sales to the employers. In the days when